Jubilate is committed to providing quality music and liturgical resources for churches across the world.

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Resound Worship

Our sister organisation under the SHWF banner is producing new, contemporary worship songs, carrying forward the historic values of Jubilate.

Visit now for over 150 new songs, covering a range of themes, all with a focus on thematic content, singability and inspiring worship.


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Streaming Jubilate hymns and songs

CCLI (more information at https://uk.ccli.com/streaming/) and One License (https://www.onelicense.net/how-it-works) both have streaming licenses which cover all our material, so this is the desired route for online usage. If for any reason you are not able to get a license in time to cover specific services, you have our permission to stream our works. Please remember to report any usage through CCLI/One License as usual.

There is an excellent blog post Licensing explained for streaming worship songs in the UK from Chris Juby, the Jubilate Hymns Agency Manager, that explains everything in more detail.