Psalms Resources
The psalms have been a primary source of inspiration to worship for thousands of years. Below is just a small selection of Jubilate worship material based on psalms, selected from 699 psalm-based lyrics!
Hymns & songs based on psalms
- Psalm 1 Blessed is the man, the man who does not walk
- Psalm 2 Why are the nations conspiring
- Psalm 6 Do not rebuke me any more
- Psalm 23 Christ is my Shepherd-King
- Psalm 23 The Lord my shepherd rules my life
- Psalm 24 This earth belongs to God
- Psalm 34 Through all the changing scenes of life
- Psalm 36 No fear of God before the eyes
- Psalm 39 Silent, I have waited
- Psalm 40 To the Lord I looked in patience
- Psalm 42 Why so downcast, O my soul?
- Psalm 42/43 A thirsty deer will gasp
- Psalm 42/43 As the deer longs for streams of water
- Psalm 47 O clap your hands, all nations, cry
- Psalm 57 Be gracious to me, Lord
- Psalm 57 O God, from whom all mercy springs
- Psalm 59 When we face a hostile world
- Psalm 63 O God, you are my God, I seek you
- Psalm 65 The earth is yours, O God
- Psalm 68 Arise, O God in wind and fire
- Psalm 70 O God, make haste to help me
- Psaml 74 O God, why have you cast us off for ever
- Psalm 77 Through relentless doubt and turmoil
- Psalm 82 God is king be warned, you mighty
- Psalm 88 O Lord, the God who saves me
- Psalm 90 So soon, days turn to dusk
- Psalm 91 Safe in the shadow
- Psalm 95 Come, sing praises to the Lord above
- Psalm 95 Come with all joy (FULDA)
- Psalm 95 Let us sing to the God of salvation (SING HOSANNA)
- Psalm 98 Blow upon the trumpet (PHILIP JAMES)
- Psalm 98 Sing to God new songs of worship
- Psalm 100 All people that on earth do dwell
- Psalm 104 Creator God beyond compare
- Psalm 104 O worship the King
- Psalm 118 Give thanks to God, for he is good
- Psalm 121 I lift my eyes to the quiet hills
- Psalm 126 The Lord restored us - we were freed
- Psalm 126 When the LORD restored his people
- Psalm 130 Up from the depths I cry to God
- Psalm 131 Before the Lord my soul is bowed
- Psalm 137 By the waters of Babylon
- Psalm 145 My God, my King, I'll lift you high
- Psalm 146 Do not place your trust in princes
- Psalm 148 Praise him, praise him
- Psalm 149/150 Bring to the Lord a glad new song
RESOUND worship songs
- Psalm 8 O Lord our God
- Psalm 62 Find rest O my soul
- Psalm 95 Come let's sing
- Psalm 121 I lift my eyes to the hills
- Psalm 139 Lord, you have searched me
- Psalm 147 How good it is
For other Resound songs based on psalms click here
Liturgy based on psalms
- Psalm 27 - drawing near to God
- Psalm 29 - God's majesty
- Psalm 51 - confession
- Psalm 77 - cry of distress
- Psalm 95 call to worship
- Psalm 100 - call to worship
- Psalm 103 call to worship
- Psalm 111 - communion
- Psalm 138 - thanksgiving
- Psalm 145 - compassionate God
- Psalm 148 call to worship