
A farmer sowed his precious seed
Emma Turl
A fervent prayer is rising
Emma Turl
A thirsty deer will gasp
Emma Turl
All who shelter in the presence
Emma Turl
Answer my call, O God of grace
Emma Turl
Arise, O God, in wind and fire
Emma Turl
As light for our dark world he came
Emma Turl
As when Mary poured the ointment
Emma Turl
As with joyful songs we gather
Emma Turl
At the feast of Pentecost
Emma Turl
Breathe on your garden, Son of God
Emma Turl
Built upon God's holy mountain
Emma Turl
Christ is my Shepherd-King
Emma Turl
Come and praise the King of Glory
Emma Turl
Come greet the Lord with songs
Emma Turl
Creator God beyond compare
Emma Turl
Do not rebuke me any more
Emma Turl
Earth in all its fulness
Emma Turl
Exalted God, our shepherd
Emma Turl
Father, you know the way that I am taking
Emma Turl
Forgiven by the Lord
Emma Turl
Fountain of justice, sheltering tower
Emma Turl
Give the Lord his rightful glory
Emma Turl
Glory be to your name, Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
God is good! Give thanks to him
Emma Turl
God of overarching splendour
Emma Turl
God the mighty Lord resplendent
Emma Turl
God, I'm calling out to you
Emma Turl
God, my God, for you I'm searching
Emma Turl
Hear, O Lord, my desperate pleading
Emma Turl
Hosanna, Lord - you have rescued us
Emma Turl
How beautiful it is
Emma Turl
How blessed they are
Emma Turl
How delightful is your dwelling
Emma Turl
How we thank you, Jesus, Saviour
Emma Turl
I love the Lord - his listening ear
Emma Turl
In desperate times, O Lord
Emma Turl
In lustrous robes of majesty
Emma Turl
It was an ancient olive grove
Emma Turl
Joyful people, lift your voices
Emma Turl
Keep me resting in the peace
Emma Turl
Let us join the jostling throng
Emma Turl
Listen to the words of Jesus
Emma Turl
Lord, guide us as we navigate
Emma Turl
Lord, you enjoyed a Sabbath rest
Emma Turl
Love that gave all to recover the lost
Emma Turl
Mighty God, our only refuge
Emma Turl
My God, my King, I'll lift you high
Emma Turl
My refuge, Lord! To you I run
Emma Turl
Never was cause for such delight
Emma Turl
None but Jesus! Son eternal
Emma Turl
Nothing, Sovereign Lord, can equal
Emma Turl
Now as a lamp to guide my footsteps
Emma Turl
O Christ, you shine out with the glory of God
Emma Turl
O come to him, receive him
Emma Turl
O Lord our God we exalt
John Turl, Emma Turl
O my Lord, I will exalt you
Emma Turl
One night over eastern lands
Emma Turl
Our home through every passing age
Emma Turl
Our refuge and our strength is God
Emma Turl
Praise awaits you, God of heaven
Emma Turl
Praise to the Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
Receive the grace that brought you your salvation
Emma Turl
See the rising sun appearing
Emma Turl
Shelter me from the wind
Emma Turl
Stars by night were shining
Emma Turl
Table of love - this costly spread
Emma Turl
The Lord is King
Emma Turl
There was singing, O Christ, on the night you were born
Emma Turl
Through relentless doubt and turmoil
Emma Turl
Treat me with compassion
Emma Turl
Two companions journeyed homeward
Emma Turl
Up to the hills I lift my eyes
Emma Turl
Voices echo through the night
Emma Turl
We come to you, the crucified
Emma Turl
We echo Mary's song of praise
Emma Turl
We praise the Holy One
Emma Turl
We solemnly remember
Emma Turl
What a shepherd, what a Saviour
Emma Turl
When opposition drags me down
Emma Turl
When we face a hostile world
Emma Turl
Where are the words that can express
Emma Turl
Why have you abandoned me?
Emma Turl
You Lord have searched me - you completely know me
Emma Turl