James Seddon
Christians, join in celebration, lift your voices
James Seddon
Church of God, elect and glorious
James Seddon
Father God in heaven (Lord's Prayer)
James Seddon
Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake
James Seddon
Here, Lord, we come to you
James Seddon
How good a thing it is
James Seddon
I worship you, O Lord
James Seddon
Jesus, the Lord of love and life
James Seddon
Let ring, instruments and voices
James Seddon
Let us praise God together, let us praise
James Seddon
Lift up your hearts and give thanks to the Lord
James Seddon
Listen to my prayer, Lord
James Seddon
Lord, now let your servant go his way in peace
James Seddon
O bless the God of Israel, sing his praises
James Seddon
O come let us sing to the Lord, let us worship
James Seddon
One holy apostolic church
James Seddon
Sing a new song, alleluia
James Seddon
Tell all the world of Jesus
James Seddon
Thank you, O Lord of earth and heaven
James Seddon
The Lord is my shepherd, so nothing I lack
James Seddon
The Spirit came as promised
James Seddon
To him we come, Jesus Christ, our Lord
James Seddon