Janet has been involved in creative arts in worship and prayer for most of her adult life, and began to flourish as a member of St Michael-le-Belfrey in York, under David Watson. She trained in Music, gaining a first-class honours degree through studying at York University and Bath Spa University College. Work has included typesetting, transcribing and arranging music for publication, teaching piano and being Music Coordinator and composer in a Bristol Church. She has composed and led rehearsals for a large drama project with teenagers in the Bristol diocese, and has written songs for primary-school leavers as part of the Cathedrals education team.
Janet leads occasional quiet days. She has also designed and run several multi-sensory prayer trails in local churches, which have been welcomed in other venues including the Cathedral. Recently, she and a colleague have developed reflective prayer spaces for children, which are published by the Stapleford Centre. She is married and the mother of four. More of her music is available at www.musaics.co.uk