Showing 38 song matches for 'blessing'
All authority and power
Christopher Idle
As Jesus came up from the waters
Derek Baldwin
Blessed are they who listen not to evil counsel
Paul Wigmore
Blessed are those who fear the Lord, walking
Christopher Idle
Blessing and honour, glory and power
Brian Hoare
Bless all who trust in God
David Mowbray
Bless the Lord, created things
Judy Davies
Bless the Lord in psalm and chorus
Christopher Idle
Bless the Lord, our fathers' God
Christopher Idle
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all within me
Michael Baughen
Forgive, bless, direct us, Lord
John Miller
God in mercy grant us blessing
David G. Preston
God save our gracious King
[Modernised Version]
Good King Wenceslas
[Modernised Version]
Holy holy holy Lord
ICET 1973
How beautiful it is
Emma Turl
How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord most high
Barbara Woollett
Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber
[Modernised Version]
Lord, bless and keep these little ones
Paul Wigmore
Lord, bless and keep this little child
Paul Wigmore
Lord, to you we lift our voices
Christopher Idle
Master, we lift our eyes expecting
David Mowbray
May God be gracious to us that your way
Michael Baughen
May the blessing of the Lord
Paul Wigmore
My trust I place in God's good grace
Michael Saward
Now in view of all God's mercies
Christopher Idle
Our home through every passing age
Emma Turl
O Holy Spirit, come to bless
[Modernised Version]
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
[Modernised Version]
Rejoice, O land, in God your Lord
[Modernised Version]
Sing when the rain is coming
Christopher Idle
The Lord is here, his spirit is with us
Brian Hoare
Through all the changing scenes of life
[Modernised Version]
Two companions journeyed homeward
Emma Turl
Voices echo through the night
Emma Turl
We echo Mary's song of praise
Emma Turl
When the waters cover me
Michael Perry
When we walk with God, we are blessed
Michael Perry