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Showing 16 song matches for 'blood'
By his redeeming love, at one with God!
Paul Wigmore
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Christopher Idle
I am the bread, the bread of life
Brian Hoare
I will sing the Lord's high triumph
Christopher Idle
Jesus, your blood and righteousness
[Modernised Version]
King David was a man of war
Christopher Idle
Let us love and sing and wonder
John Newton
Lord Jesus, for my sake you come
Michael Perry
Our God has made his covenant new
Christopher Idle
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
[Modernised Version]
Rock of ages, cleft for me
[Modernised Version]
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
[Modernised Version]
There is a fountain opened wide
[Modernised Version]
They killed him as a common thief
Paul Wigmore
To Christ who once this supper made
Christopher Idle
When you prayed beneath the trees
Christopher Idle
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'blood'