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Showing 13 song matches for 'bow down'
Angels from the realms of glory
[Modernised Version]
Clap your hands, you people
Judy Davies
Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, come and make
Norman Warren
Come with all joy to sing to God
Christopher Idle
In awe and wonder, Lord our God
Michael Saward
O Christ our God, before your cross
Michael Saward
O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord; O sing, all
David G. Preston
Sing to the Lord a song that's new
Michael Saward
Welcome your king, Alleluia!
Michael Perry
We worship God in harmony
Michael Baughen
Why do the nations all defy
David G. Preston
With joyful shouts acclaim the Lord
David G. Preston
Wonderful your deeds, Lord
David Mowbray
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'bow down'