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Showing 17 song matches for 'children of God'
As if, Lord, you are there
David Mowbray
Baptised in water, sealed by the Spirit
Michael Saward
Blessed are the poor in spirit
The Gospel according to Matthew, ch.5
Father, let us dedicate
Lawrence Tuttiett / Jubilate Hymns
Give God thanks for he is gracious
David Mowbray
In a sudden, searing moment
David Mowbray
In Christ shall all be made alive, we sing
David Mowbray
In God the Father's plan
Christopher Idle
Let creation bless the Father
David Mowbray
Lord, teach your children how to build
Christopher Idle
My God, now is your table spread
[Modernised Version]
Once more the day its toll has taken
John Miller
Remember your creator now
Christopher Idle
Shout for joy, loud and long
David Mowbray
Unto the silent hills I raise
Mollie Knight
When things began to happen
Michael Saward
Word of the Father everlasting
David Mowbray
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'children of God'