Showing 42 song matches for 'Church universal'
Abraham's faith give us today
Christopher Idle
All glory be to God on high; upon this earth
Christopher Idle
As the light upon the river
Christopher Idle
Christians, join in celebration, lift your voices
James Seddon
Christ's church shall glory in his power
Christopher Idle
Christ is made the sure foundation
John M Neale / Jubilate Hymns
Christ, who for our salvation came
Derek Baldwin
Church of God, elect and glorious
James Seddon
City of God, Jerusalem
Christopher Idle
Father and God, from whom our world derives
Christopher Idle
Great is the Lord we now acclaim
David Mowbray
Here, Lord, we come to you
James Seddon
Hosanna, Lord - you have rescued us
Emma Turl
If Christ had not been raised from death
Christopher Idle
In God the Father's plan
Christopher Idle
In your world your kingdom come, O Lord
Simon Bray
Jesus Christ gives life and gladness
Michael Saward
Let saints on earth together sing
[Modernised Version]
Long ago to London's city
Michael Saward
Lord, you enjoyed a Sabbath rest
Emma Turl
Many petals make one flower (One in Christ)
Jenny Wakely
Master, what love is here!
Christopher Idle
No greater love has any friend
Sam Hargreaves
One holy apostolic church
James Seddon
Onward, Christian soldiers
[Modernised Version]
Our God has made his covenant new
Christopher Idle
O babe divine, to you we sing
Michael Perry
O Christ the great foundation
[Modernised Version]
O let the church rejoice
Barbara Woollett
Partners in the Gospel
Christopher Idle
Revive your church, O Lord
[Modernised Version]
Spirit of God, creation's power
Michael Saward
Spirit of God most high
David Mowbray
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness
Christopher Idle
The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord
[Modernised Version]
The day you gave us, Lord, is ended
[Modernised Version]
The Lord is king! He set the stars in space
Brian Hoare
The Son of Man has been revealed
Michael Saward
Two or more are gathered
Sam Hargreaves
We come to you, the crucified
Emma Turl
We give you praise, O God
Jan Wilson
With joyful heart, praise Christ the Lord
David Mowbray