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Showing 19 song matches for 'cleansing'
As you cleanse me for today
Michael Baughen
Baptised in water, sealed by the Spirit
Michael Saward
Breathe on your garden, Son of God
Emma Turl
God, be merciful to me
The Psalter 1912 / Jubilate Hymns
Here from all nations, all tongues, and all peoples
Christopher Idle
Jordan's waters part in two
Christopher Idle
When Jesus knelt at Judas’ feet
Martin Leckebusch
Lord, have mercy: in your goodness
David G. Preston
No room for the saviour at Bethlehem's inn
Hilda M Day / Jubilate Hymns
O Holy Spirit, breathe on me
Norman Warren
Rock of ages, cleft for me
[Modernised Version]
Search our hearts, we pray, Lord
Christopher Idle
There is a fountain opened wide
[Modernised Version]
This is the truth which we proclaim
Michael Saward
Though we come before you tainted by our sin
Hilary Jolly
We heard Christ's word, and looking back
Christopher Idle
What offering shall we give
[Modernised Version]
Wind of God, dynamic Spirit
Michael Saward
With heart and hands washed clean
David Mowbray