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Showing 16 song matches for 'coming in glory'
At the name of Jesus
[Modernised Version]
Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward
Christopher Idle
Christ the Lord who calls us
Christopher Idle
Come, let us worship the Christ of creation!
Michael Saward
Hallelujah: Christ is king!
Christopher Idle
Lord most high, how can I
Christopher Idle
O God, from whom all mercy springs
David G. Preston
Roar the waves, the waters praising
Michael Perry
Thank you, O Lord of earth and heaven
James Seddon
The kingdom of the living God has come
Michael Saward
The Lord is near you right by your side
Norman Warren
Through the darkness of the ages
Hilary Jolly
When the sun is darkened and the moon gives no light
Christopher Idle
When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured
Christopher Idle
When tides of judgment rise at last
Richard Bewes
You are coming, O my Saviour
[Modernised Version]
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'coming in glory'