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Showing 53 song matches for 'creation, God's act'
At the name of Jesus
[Modernised Version]
Bless the Lord in psalm and chorus
Christopher Idle
Born in song!
Brian Hoare
Bring songs of joy to God the Lord
Paul Wigmore
Christ on whom the Spirit rested
David Mowbray
Come, let us worship the Christ of creation!
Michael Saward
Creation's vast treasure
Martin Leckebusch
Creator God, the world around
Brian Hoare
Creator God, with whom we share
Christopher Idle
Eternal Father, strong to save
William Whiting / Jubilate Hymns
Exult, creation round God's throne
Christopher Idle
Give thanks to God the Lord, by all
David G. Preston
Give the Lord his rightful glory
Emma Turl
God in each season
Donald Wetherick
God of the garden, Eden's land
Michael Saward
God who created light
Michael Saward
Great and wonderful, Lord God
David Mowbray
Holy Spirit, heaven's breath
Christopher Idle
I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful
Michael Perry
I'll sing a new hymn to my God
Christopher Idle
Immense, immeasurable space
David Mowbray
I bind myself to God today
[Modernised Version]
Jesus, you are the Lord
Brian Hoare
Joyful people, lift your voices
Emma Turl
Let all the righteous to the Lord
David G. Preston
Let earth rejoice! Let all creation sing!
Michael Saward, Peter Simpson
Let us gladly with one mind
Michael Saward
Listen! Wisdom cries aloud
Christopher Idle
Long before the reign of kings
Christopher Idle
Now praise the protector of heaven
Christopher Idle
Open my mind, Lord
James Wood
O bless the Lord, my soul! I sing
Michael Perry
O Holy Spirit, come to bless
[Modernised Version]
O Lord God, you will search me out
Paul Wigmore
Praise the Lord, dark and light
Colin Avery
Praise the Lord for his creation
Jenny Wakely
Praise to God the Father! God who saves his people
Christopher Idle
Ring from your steeple, bells of gladness!
Michael Saward
Ring out the bells - the joyful news is breaking
Michael Perry
Shout for joy, loud and long
David Mowbray
Sing a hymn to God's great glory
Michael Saward
Sing to God new songs of worship
Michael Baughen
Sing, sing, sing to the Lord
Christopher Idle
Spirit of God, creation's power
Michael Saward
Stars and planets sing your glory
Trevor Thorn
The dance of the stars in burning glory
Christopher Idle
The Lord is king! He set the stars in space
Brian Hoare
The majesty of mountains
Michael Perry
The stars declare his glory
Timothy Dudley-Smith
The whole earth is the Lord's
David G. Preston
What if the one who shapes the stars
David Mowbray
Whose hand could shape such a world as this
Martin Leckebusch
You, O Lord, have searched and known me
David G. Preston
Showing 5 liturgy matches for 'creation, God's act'