Showing 67 song matches for 'Cross'
Amid a world of pain and war
Lucy Hannah
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
[Modernised Version]
As Christ the Lord took up a towel
David Mowbray
At birth he lay in borrowed manger
John Capon
A purple robe
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Before the roads or railways came
Christopher Idle
Bless the Lord in psalm and chorus
Christopher Idle
Broad is the way that leads man to
Michael Baughen
By his redeeming love, at one with God!
Paul Wigmore
Cattle know their master's manger
Christopher Idle
Christ came in faith to Bethlehem
John Capon
Christ the Lord who calls us
Christopher Idle
Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace
Paul Wigmore
For God so loved the world he gave his only Son
Michael Perry
Glad to be alive
John Miller
God's word to God's world! In one name alone
Christopher Idle
God, I cry aloud for help
Christopher Idle
God, we praise you! God we bless you!
Christopher Idle
Grace and peace be ours for ever
Christopher Idle
He gave his life in selfless love
Christopher Porteous
He stood before the court
Christopher Idle
In all the world of beauty round us
Derek Baldwin
In silent pain the eternal Son
Christopher Idle
In the cross of Christ I glory
Richard Bewes
In the still of the night
Judy Gresham
I am the bread, the bread of life
Brian Hoare
I found him cradled in a lamp-lit barn
Paul Wigmore
Jesus comes with clouds descending
[Modernised Version]
King David was a man of war
Christopher Idle
Let earth rejoice! Let all creation sing!
Michael Saward, Peter Simpson
Let us join the jostling throng
Emma Turl
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim (Jubilate version)
Lift up your heads, you gates of brass
[Modernised Version]
Lord Christ, the everlasting Son
David Mowbray
Lord of the cross of shame
Michael Saward
Lord, you left your throne and your kingly crown (Perry version)
Michael Perry
Master, what love is here!
Christopher Idle
None but Jesus! Son eternal
Emma Turl
Now let us learn of Christ
Christopher Idle
No greater love has any friend
Sam Hargreaves
No room for the saviour at Bethlehem's inn
Hilda M Day / Jubilate Hymns
Small wonder the star
Paul Wigmore
Oh, what a wonder you are
Steve James
Open my mind, Lord
James Wood
Our God, supreme and good
Christopher Idle
O Christ our God, before your cross
Michael Saward
O Christ, the master carpenter
David Mowbray
Partners in the Gospel
Christopher Idle
Praise to the holiest in the height
J H Newman
Put your hand in your neighbour's hand
Judy Davies
Ring aloud the Christmas bells
Martin Leckebusch
See, amid the winter snow
[Modernised Version]
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
[Modernised Version]
So dies this man, this carpenter
David Mowbray
The cross of Christ - love's sacrifice
Brian Black
The feet of God have touched this earth
Christopher Idle
The hands of Christ, the caring hands
Michael Perry
The holly and the ivy
[Modernised Version]
The Lord whose glory fills the earth
Martin Leckebusch
The saints in Christ are one in every place
Christopher Idle
The Word was very God
Christopher Idle
This earth belongs to God
Christopher Idle
Welcome, welcome every guest
Christopher Idle
When did he die
Paul Wigmore
When you prayed beneath the trees
Christopher Idle
Your feet, O Lord, have walked this earth
Paul Wigmore
Your hands that gave the hungry bread
Gayle Dowling