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Showing 16 song matches for 'David, Bible'
As David took no rest
David Mowbray
A child is born in Bethlehem, sing nowell!
Michael Perry
Bethlehem, the chosen city of our God
Michael Perry
Blessed (blest) be the God of Israel who comes
Michael Perry
For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love
Christopher Idle
God has been gracious; a son he gives us
Christopher Idle
Into darkness light has broken
David Mowbray
Jerusalem the golden
[Modernised Version]
King David was a man of war
Christopher Idle
Lord, we pray, remember David
David G. Preston
O bless the God of Israel, sing his praises
James Seddon
O bless the God of Israel who comes to set us free
Michael Perry
O bless the Lord, the mighty God of Israel
Michael Perry
O praise the Lord, the mighty God of Israel
Michael Perry
Shepherds, wake to news of joy
Michael Perry
When David found his rest
Christopher Idle
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'David, Bible'