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Showing 17 song matches for 'day and night'
As the deer longs for water
Michael Baughen
At the supper's ending
Christopher Idle
Blessed are they who listen not to evil counsel
Paul Wigmore
Everywhere the skies declare the glory of the Lord!
Barbara Woollett
Glory and praise to God!
Christopher Idle
How clear and true the skies sing out God's praise
Christopher Idle
How long, O Lord, will you forget an answer to my prayer?
Barbara Woollett
Into our darkness once you came
Christopher Idle
Make music to the Lord most high
Christopher Idle
Once more the day its toll has taken
John Miller
Protect me, God, I trust in you
Michael Saward
Shelter safely in the shadow
David G. Preston
The day you gave us, Lord, is ended
[Modernised Version]
The heavens declare God's glory
David G. Preston
Welcome to another day!
Michael Saward
When I look towards the hills
Pearl Beasley
Why in the dawning of another day
Paul Wigmore
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'day and night'