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Showing 37 song matches for 'death and resurrection of Christ'
Almighty God, the Fountain-head
Christopher Idle
Baptized into Christ Jesus
Christopher Idle
Because he died and is risen
Michael Baughen
Blessing and honour, glory and power
Brian Hoare
Christmas greetings, Christmas joy
Christopher Idle
Christmas news! Christ is born
David Mowbray
Come, see the baby
Stephen Burtonwood
Come to a world of need
Christopher Idle
Crown him with many crowns
Matthew Bridges / Godfrey Thring / Jubilate Hymns
Faith overcomes! The light of Christ is shining
Christopher Jones
Father of all, with praise
David Mowbray
For all our seven churches
Christopher Idle
Gathered together as friends of the master
Brian Hoare
God of every tribe and nation
Christopher Idle
God our Father and creator
Christopher Idle
How brightly gleams the morning star
Michael Perry
It was on Sunday morning
Christopher Idle
I bind myself to God today
[Modernised Version]
Jesus, your blood and righteousness
[Modernised Version]
Keep me resting in the peace
Emma Turl
Listen! Wisdom cries aloud
Christopher Idle
Moon and bright sun, wind and white cloud
Christopher Idle
One beyond all, you love us to call you
Christopher Idle
O Lord whose love designed this day
Christopher Idle
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord my soul!
Norman Warren
Round the Lord in glory seated
Christopher Idle
These are the facts as we have received them
Michael Saward
The kingdom of the living God has come
Michael Saward
This joyful Eastertide, away with sin
[Modernised Version]
Through all the world let Christ be known
Christopher Idle
Two hundred years have passed
Christopher Idle
Two thousand years of sorrow
Christopher Idle
Two thousand years since Bethlehem
Brian Hoare
We believe in God almighty, maker
David Mowbray
We were not there to see you come
[Modernised Version]
When glory shone through the dark skies
Christopher Idle
Where is the one our God will choose?
Christopher Idle
Showing 2 liturgy matches for 'death and resurrection of Christ'