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Showing 16 song matches for 'death and rising of Christians'
Abide with me
Henry Francis Lyte
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
[Modernised Version]
Baptized into Christ Jesus
Christopher Idle
Christ once was sacrificed
Christopher Idle
If Christ had not been raised from death
Christopher Idle
In Christ we died; with Christ we live
Norman Goreham
In Christ shall all be made alive, we sing
David Mowbray
Jesus, your blood and righteousness
[Modernised Version]
Keep me resting in the peace
Emma Turl
Let saints on earth together sing
[Modernised Version]
Nothing, Sovereign Lord, can equal
Emma Turl
Prayer is the soul's supreme desire
[Modernised Version]
See your hands overflowing with flowers
Christopher Idle
Singing songs of expectation
[Modernised Version]
This joyful Eastertide, away with sin
[Modernised Version]
To everyone whom God has made
Christopher Idle
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'death and rising of Christians'