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Showing 32 song matches for 'death, human'
God's gift of life and love has gone
Brian Black
God, in whose image we are made
Michael Saward
Had not the Lord - let Israel say
David G. Preston
Hear me, O Lord, in my distress
David G. Preston
How long will you forget me, Lord, and hide your face away?
Christopher Idle
Hush, do not cry, my little tiny child
Michael Perry
In the cross of Christ I glory
Richard Bewes
I love the Lord because he heard my voice
Michael Perry
Jesus, Lord, our hearts are grieving
Brian Black
Jesus, the Lord of love and life
James Seddon
Life-giving Christ, our hope and head
Christopher Idle
Life-giving Lord, here we offer him back to you,
David Mowbray
Lord of our growing years
David Mowbray
Lord, you have seen your church's needs
Christopher Idle
Our God, supreme and good
Christopher Idle
O God, the heathen have attacked
Christopher Idle
O gracious Lord, be near me!
Michael Perry
O happy day that fixed my choice
[Modernised Version]
O Lord I love you, my strength
Richard Bewes
O Lord my God who saves me
Michael Perry
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
[Modernised Version]
Protect me, God, I trust in you
Michael Saward
Revive your church, O Lord
[Modernised Version]
Stand up, O God, be present now
Michael Saward
There is full salvation through that precious name
Michael Baughen
The king of love my shepherd is
[Modernised Version]
The leaves on the tree in the forest
Christopher Porteous
The lords of earth are in the hands
David G. Preston
The Lord my shepherd rules my life
Christopher Idle
Though the leaves on the trees in the forest
Christopher Porteous
What riches on this earth can buy one human breath?
Paul Wigmore
Won, the victor's crown
Showing 3 liturgy matches for 'death, human'