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Showing 15 song matches for 'Father, God'
Dear Father, I adore you
Brian Hoare
Father and God, from whom our world derives
Christopher Idle
Father, let us dedicate
Lawrence Tuttiett / Jubilate Hymns
Father of all, with praise
David Mowbray
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Christopher Idle
His Father's house
Christopher Idle
Jesus, Son of God and Mary
Peter Simpson
King of the universe, Lord of the ages
Michael Saward
Like a river glorious
[Modernised Version]
Now praise the protector of heaven
Christopher Idle
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord! My soul is singing
Mollie Knight
We are here before our Father
Brian Black
We are one body in the Lord
Michael Perry
Word of the Father everlasting
David Mowbray
Showing 4 liturgy matches for 'Father, God'