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Showing 23 song matches for 'free'
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Christopher Idle
Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting giver
Christopher Idle
Glory and praise to God!
Christopher Idle
Have you not heard? Do you not know
Michael Saward
He stood before the court
Christopher Idle
If the Lord had not been near
Paul Wigmore
I am the bread, the bread of life
Brian Hoare
I love the Lord, he heard my voice
Barbara Woollett
I will sing the Lord's high triumph
Christopher Idle
Laughter and song!
David Mowbray
Let us love and sing and wonder
John Newton
Long before the reign of kings
Christopher Idle
My Lord, you wore no royal crown
Christopher Idle
O bless the God of Israel, sing his praises
James Seddon
O bless the God of Israel who comes to set us free
Michael Perry
O Lord, the mansions where you dwell
Paul Wigmore
Release your Spirit
Roger Peach
Remember your creator now
Christopher Idle
The Lord restored us, we were freed
David G. Preston
To God the Lord I cry aloud
David G. Preston
When I lift up my voice
Michael Perry
When we are down you raise us up
Christopher Idle
When we are in want
Christopher Idle
Showing 2 liturgy matches for 'free'