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Showing 16 song matches for 'future'
Farewell, friend(s) in Christ
David Mowbray
Far greater than one thought or could suppose
Paul Wigmore
Father, let us dedicate
Lawrence Tuttiett / Jubilate Hymns
For your mercy and your grace
Henry Downton / Jubilate Hymns
God of all human history
Christopher Idle
God whose praise is sung in Zion
David Mowbray
Hear, O Lord, my desperate pleading
Emma Turl
In psalms and hymns of joyful praise
Christopher Idle
Looking back but moving forward
Brian Hoare
Lord of creation, giver of gladness
David Mowbray
May God be gracious, may we see his face
Stephen Horsfall
Now we hear creation groaning
Martin Leckebusch
O God of the nations, we humbly recall
Brian Davis
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
[Modernised Version]
Take heart and praise our God
David Mowbray
Tell all the world: the Lord is King
Martin Leckebusch
Showing 2 liturgy matches for 'future'