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Showing 23 song matches for 'good news'
All authority is yours
Brian Hoare
Angels are bringing
Christopher Idle
A world in pain, a baby's cry
Christopher Idle
Beyond the fringes of the church
Brian Hoare
Celebrate the faith together
Brian Hoare
Christmas news! Christ is born
David Mowbray
Christ, grant me grace to let you wash my feet
Christopher Idle
Christ is all the world's good news
Christopher Idle
Come and hear the news
Michael Perry
Good Christian people, rise and sing
Traditional / Jubilate Hymns
Here and now we’re bound together
Ally Barrett
I see your crib
Christopher Porteous
Jerusalem, how glad I was
Christopher Idle
O sing the song of Easter day
Joel Payne
Lowly Jesus, King of glory
Christopher Porteous
Never was cause for such delight
Emma Turl
O gracious God, we lift our voices high
Michael Saward
Take God's good news to saddened hearts
David Mowbray
The Lord God appointed
Barbara Woollett
The Lord is here, the darkness gone
Christopher Idle
The shepherd guards his sheep
Michael Perry
When the LORD restored his people
Christopher Idle
Where is the one our God will choose?
Christopher Idle
Showing 4 liturgy matches for 'good news'