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Showing 79 song matches for 'grace'
Almighty Lord, the holy one
Christopher Idle
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
[Modernised Version]
As day by day each morning comes
Derek Baldwin
As Jacob travelled far along
Christopher Idle
A bowl of water and a towel
Martin Leckebusch
Built upon God's holy mountain
Emma Turl
Christ is my Shepherd-King
Emma Turl
Christ the Lord who calls us
Christopher Idle
Come to God's table
Ally Barrett
Deck yourself, my soul, with gladness
[Modernised Version]
Earth in all its fulness
Emma Turl
Exult, creation round God's throne
Christopher Idle
Far greater than one thought or could suppose
Paul Wigmore
Father of all, whose laws have stood
David Mowbray
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Christopher Idle
For all with heavy loads to bear
Ally Barrett
For your mercy and your grace
Henry Downton / Jubilate Hymns
Freedom and life are ours
Christopher Idle
From deep despair to you I call
David G. Preston
Given by grace
Michael Perry
Give thanks to God the Lord, by all
David G. Preston
Glorious things of you are spoken
[Modernised Version]
Glory and praise to God!
Christopher Idle
God's holy ways are just and true
Barbara Woollett
God, creation comes from you
Michael Baughen
God everlasting, at your word
David Mowbray
God speaks - the Lord of all the earth
Michael Perry
Good King Wenceslas
[Modernised Version]
Grace and peace be ours for ever
Christopher Idle
Great and wonderful, Lord God
David Mowbray
Great God of wisdom, loving yet all-seeing!
Christine Symes
Hear me, O Lord, in my distress
David G. Preston
Here we are giving
Ally Barrett
His Father's house
Christopher Idle
How delightful is your dwelling
Emma Turl
How firm the ground on which I stand
Derek Baldwin
If God has chosen a nation
Christopher Idle
In awe and wonder, Lord our God
Michael Saward
In Christ there is no east or west, in him no pride of birth
Michael Perry
I have no strength but yours
Michael Perry
When Jesus knelt at Judas’ feet
Martin Leckebusch
Let earth rejoice! Let all creation sing!
Michael Saward, Peter Simpson
Lord, help us to remember
Sue Gilmurray
Lord all-knowing, you have found me
Christopher Idle
Lord of love, you come to bless
Michael Perry
Lord of our growing years
David Mowbray
Lord of the church in every place
Derek Baldwin
Love that gave all to recover the lost
Emma Turl
Master, what love is here!
Christopher Idle
May this place be one of nurture
Ally Barrett
May God be gracious to us that your way
Michael Baughen
May the blessing of the Lord
Paul Wigmore
Small wonder the star
Paul Wigmore
O sing, O sing the greatness of the Lord
Derek Boemler, Joel Payne
Our home through every passing age
Emma Turl
O Christ the great foundation
[Modernised Version]
O come to him, receive him
Emma Turl
O Lord! My God and king
David G. Preston
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
[Modernised Version]
Praise God within his holy place
Stephen Horsfall
Praise the Lord! My soul is singing
Mollie Knight
Praise to the holiest in the height
J H Newman
Receive the grace that brought you your salvation
Emma Turl
Saul, breathing fire, Damascus-bound
David Mowbray
Shout with joy to God, all nations
David G. Preston
Table of love - this costly spread
Emma Turl
There was singing, O Christ, on the night you were born
Emma Turl
The Christ of whom the gospels tell
David Mowbray
The God who spoke at Haran
Christopher Idle
The Lord is like a shepherd to my soul
Paul Wigmore
The Son of Man has been revealed
Michael Saward
We are here before our Father
Brian Black
We praise the Holy One
Emma Turl
When Jesus walked upon this earth
Michael Perry
When tides of judgment rise at last
Richard Bewes
Why in the dawning of another day
Paul Wigmore
Word of the Father everlasting
David Mowbray
You are the Lord of all
John Turl
You worked a wonder in me
Judy Davies
Showing 11 liturgy matches for 'grace'
Lord, we cannot ask for healing
Michael Saward
Michael Saward
Prayer for grace
Michael Saward
Michael Saward
Michael Perry
Michael Perry
Michael Perry
Michael Perry
Michael Perry
Praying for the church about mission
Michael Perry
Michael Perry