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Showing 17 song matches for 'guilt'
Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended
[Modernised Version]
Almighty God, the Fountain-head
Christopher Idle
Christ came in faith to Bethlehem
John Capon
Come, most Holy Spirit, come
Stephen Langton / Edward Caswall / Jubilate Hymns
Downtrodden Christ, to you we pray
Christopher Idle
Dust to dust, we face our sentence
Ally Barrett
Forgiven by the Lord
Emma Turl
From my pursuers keep me safe
David G. Preston
God, be merciful to me
The Psalter 1912 / Jubilate Hymns
Happy are those whose offence is forgiven
Christopher Idle
He stood before the court
Christopher Idle
Lord of the heights, we sing your glory
Christopher Idle
Lord, will you turn from your anger and hear me?
Mollie Knight
O let the church rejoice
Barbara Woollett
O Lord, I bring myself to you
Barbara Woollett
Round the Lord in glory seated
Christopher Idle
Sing to God, whose loving mercy
Michael Saward
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'guilt'