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Showing 44 song matches for 'heaven'
All heaven rings with joyful songs
Michael Perry
As with gladness men of old
William C Dix / Jubilate Hymns
Child of heaven born on earth
Michael Perry
Christ has prepared for us a place
Christopher Idle
Christ is all the world's good news
Christopher Idle
Come and see the shining hope that Christ's apostle saw
Christopher Idle
Father, you know the way that I am taking
Emma Turl
God, creation comes from you
Michael Baughen
God of the garden, Eden's land
Michael Saward
God, we praise you! God we bless you!
Christopher Idle
How delightful is your dwelling
Emma Turl
How we thank you, Jesus, Saviour
Emma Turl
Is the city all they say it is
Christopher Idle
It was an ancient olive grove
Emma Turl
I am the bread, the bread of life
Brian Hoare
I cannot tell how he whom angels worship
William Fullerton
I come in joy and wonder
Derek Baldwin
I lift my eyes to you
Christopher Idle
I saw the Holy City
Christopher Porteous
Jesus, Redeemer, Mary's child
Michael Perry
Jesus whose glory, name and praise
Christopher Idle
Let us gladly with one mind
Michael Saward
Let us join the jostling throng
Emma Turl
Life-giving Lord, here we offer him back to you,
David Mowbray
Lift up your heads, you gates of brass
[Modernised Version]
None but Jesus! Son eternal
Emma Turl
No sorrow, no mourning, no crying
Michael Perry
Open my mind, Lord
James Wood
O come all you children to Bethlehem town
Paul Wigmore
O Lord, my God, you know all my ways
Paul Wigmore
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
[Modernised Version]
Ring from your steeple, bells of gladness!
Michael Saward
Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus
Christopher Idle
Surely God loves upright men
Michael Baughen
Surely God the Lord is good
Michael Perry
The morning comes: new heavens, new earth
Christopher Idle
The victory of our God is won
Christopher Idle
To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise
Michael Perry
Turn to us, almighty God
Michael Perry
Welcome to another day!
Michael Saward
We give you praise, O God
Jan Wilson
We praise you, O Father
Michael Perry
Where are the words that can express
Emma Turl
You, O Lord, have searched and known me
David G. Preston
Showing 3 liturgy matches for 'heaven'