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Showing 19 song matches for 'holiness'
Ascended Christ, who gained
Christopher Idle
Come, Spirit, to our lives today
David Mowbray
Holy holy holy Lord
ICET 1973
How the enigma of holiness beckons!
Martin Leckebusch
In awe and wonder, Lord our God
Michael Saward
In lustrous robes of majesty
Emma Turl
I've found my refuge in the Lord
David G. Preston
Lord, in every generation
Brian Hoare
Lord, you enjoyed a Sabbath rest
Emma Turl
One holy apostolic church
James Seddon
Our refuge and our strength is God
Emma Turl
O God, defender of the poor
Christopher Idle
O Holy Spirit, come to bless
[Modernised Version]
O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord; O sing, all
David G. Preston
Praise the Lord in his holiness
Norman Warren
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness
Christopher Idle
The Lord is king: his majesty
David G. Preston
We celebrate our birthdays
Michael Saward
You, O Lord, have searched and known me
David G. Preston
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'holiness'