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Showing 14 song matches for 'home'
As friends meet round a table
Martin Leckebusch
As once for you, Lord Christ, there was no room
Christopher Idle
Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, come and make
Norman Warren
Come, Lord, to make yourself at home
Christopher Idle
Every hearth a holy altar
Martin Leckebusch
Father of all, whose laws have stood
David Mowbray
God, in whose image we are made
Michael Saward
Jesus, most generous Lord
Christopher Idle
Listening child of God
Christopher Idle
Lord, you need no house
Christopher Idle
Now in view of all God's mercies
Christopher Idle
Our home through every passing age
Emma Turl
The Spirit led by day
Christopher Idle
Unless the Lord has built the house
David Mowbray
Showing 3 liturgy matches for 'home'