Showing 61 song matches for 'incarnation'
Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended
[Modernised Version]
All creation, sing to your rightful King
Christopher Idle
As the light upon the river
Christopher Idle
At the name of Jesus
[Modernised Version]
Before the heaven and earth
Brian Black
Born as a stranger
Michael Perry
Bright mystical starlight
Paul Wigmore
Child in a stable
Michael Perry
Christians, awake!
[Modernised Version]
Christmas news! Christ is born
David Mowbray
Come, see the baby
Stephen Burtonwood
Creation's vast treasure
Martin Leckebusch
Eternity once entered time
Christopher Idle
Faith overcomes! The light of Christ is shining
Christopher Jones
Far greater than great and more loving than love
Christopher Idle
Father God, the great Creator
Derek Baldwin
For to us a child is born
Judy Gresham
From God's majestic throne
David Mowbray
Great and wonderful, Lord God
David Mowbray
Great is the Lord we now acclaim
David Mowbray
Great the wonder, great the mystery
Christopher Idle
How the enigma of holiness beckons!
Martin Leckebusch
Immense, immeasurable space
David Mowbray
In the still of the night
Judy Gresham
It's about time and years that count
Christopher Idle
I bind myself to God today
[Modernised Version]
Jesus, child of Mary born
Michael Perry
Jesus Christ gives life and gladness
Michael Saward
Jesus, Son of God and Mary
Peter Simpson
Joseph, what news has brought such gloom?
Martin Leckebusch
Let earth rejoice! Let all creation sing!
Michael Saward, Peter Simpson
Let us magnify, magnify, God the almighty
Michael Saward
Let us rejoice now
Brian Black
Listen! Wisdom cries aloud
Christopher Idle
Lord Christ, the everlasting Son
David Mowbray
Lord Christ, the morning star!
David Mowbray
Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour
[Modernised Version]
Lullaby, little Jesus
Michael Perry
Mary of the incarnation
Christopher Idle
More than all the dazzling beauty
Martin Leckebusch
O leave your sheep
Bill Stead
O Star of Bethlehem
John Curtis
Praise we offer, Lord of glory
Michael Saward
Rejoice with heart and voice!
Michael Perry
Ring those bells! This year, every year
Christopher Idle
See the rising sun appearing
Emma Turl
Silently at Christmas Jesus came to town
Michael Saward
Stars by night were shining
Emma Turl
The feet of God have touched this earth
Christopher Idle
The Lord whose glory fills the earth
Martin Leckebusch
The splendour of God appears
Michael Saward
The vision of the living God
Christopher Idle
The wonder of salvation
Christopher Idle
The Word was very God
Christopher Idle
To us a child of royal birth
[Modernised Version]
Two thousand years since Bethlehem
Brian Hoare
What if the one who shapes the stars
David Mowbray
When glory shone through the dark skies
Christopher Idle
When Jesus came to Bethlehem
Christopher Idle
Who is he in cattle stall
B R Hanby / Jubilate Hymns
Who is this child that lies in humble splendour
Michael Perry