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Showing 33 song matches for 'judgement'
Blessed are they who listen not to evil counsel
Paul Wigmore
Blessed, each one who does not walk
Christopher Idle
Blessed is the man, the man who does not walk
Michael Baughen
Blow upon the trumpet!
Michael Perry
By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered
Michael Perry
Christ is king! Our God has spoken
Michael Perry
Fountain of justice, sheltering tower
Emma Turl
Give praise for famous men
Christopher Idle
God, loving ruler of the world
Christopher Idle
How blessed they are
Emma Turl
How the enigma of holiness beckons!
Martin Leckebusch
In Judah's kingdom God is known
David G. Preston
In silence my soul is waiting
Michael Saward
I've found my refuge in the Lord
David G. Preston
I have no strength but yours
Michael Perry
I praise you, Lord, with all my heart
Michael Perry
Listen, my friends, to each word
Christopher Idle
Lord all-knowing, you have found me
Christopher Idle
Lord, hear my plea
David G. Preston
May God be gracious to us that your way
Michael Baughen
O God, we thank you that your name
Michael Perry
O gracious Lord, be near me!
Michael Perry
O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord; O sing, all
David G. Preston
O sing to the Lord, O sing a new song
David G. Preston
Rejoice, the Lord is king!
Charles Wesley
Restless souls, why do you scatter
[Modernised Version]
Rock of ages, cleft for me
[Modernised Version]
Sing a new song of glory and salvation
Stephen Horsfall
Soon comes the time of the archangel Michael
Christopher Idle
The Son of Man has been revealed
Michael Saward
When life is painful, where we stand
Barbara Woollett
When tides of judgment rise at last
Richard Bewes
You Lord have searched me - you completely know me
Emma Turl
Showing 3 liturgy matches for 'judgement'