Showing 71 song matches for 'King, God as'
Alleluia, hear the angels sing
Michael Perry
As Joseph was awaking
Michael Perry
Bless the Lord, our fathers' God
Christopher Idle
Born as a stranger
Michael Perry
Celebrate the faith together
Brian Hoare
Christmas for God's holy people
Michael Saward
Christmas greetings, Christmas joy
Christopher Idle
Clap your hands, you people
Judy Davies
Clothed in kingly majesty
Michael Saward
Come, all you good people and burst into song!
Michael Saward
Come, most Holy Spirit, come
Stephen Langton / Edward Caswall / Jubilate Hymns
Come, O God, and rule the earth
Michael Perry
Come, see a little tender babe
Michael Perry
Come, sing praises to the Lord above
Michael Perry
Exult, creation round God's throne
Christopher Idle
Fling wide the gates
Michael Perry
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven!
Christopher Idle
God has been gracious; a son he gives us
Christopher Idle
God is king - be warned, you mighty
Michael Perry
God is king - the nations tremble
Michael Saward
God, loving ruler of the world
Christopher Idle
God the Lord, the king almighty
Christopher Idle
Great is the Lord: his praise is great
Christopher Idle
Hallelujah: Christ is king!
Christopher Idle
Here comes Jesus, walking by the seaside
Brian Hoare
He stood before the court
Christopher Idle
I saw my love by lantern light
Paul Wigmore
I will give thanks to the Lord most high
Michael Perry
Jesus is King; praise him, every nation
John Turl
Jesus whose glory, name and praise
Christopher Idle
Journey to Bethlehem, worship your king
Michael Perry
King of the universe, Lord of the ages
Michael Saward
Let saints on earth together sing
[Modernised Version]
Let us sing to the God of salvation
Richard Bewes
Listen to the shouts of praise!
Mollie Knight
Lord most high, how can I
Christopher Idle
Mary came with meekness
Paul Wigmore
Now lives the Lamb of God
David Mowbray
Off to David's town they go
Peter Ratcliffe
Oh what a day for singing
Paul Wigmore
O clap your hands, all nations, cry
David G. Preston
O God, we thank you that your name
Michael Perry
O Lord! My God and king
David G. Preston
O sing to the Lord, O sing a new song
David G. Preston
Play your pipe! Beat your drum!
Judy Davies
Praise for coming of the King
Brian Black
Praise him, praise him, praise him, powers and dominations
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord my soul!
Norman Warren
Riding out across the desert
Peter Ratcliffe
See the feast our God prepares
Christopher Idle
Shepherd-boy, tell me, why are you singing
Paul Wigmore
Sing a new song, alleluia
James Seddon
Sing to God new songs of worship
Michael Baughen
Sing to the Lord, all the world
Michael Perry
Sing to the Lord a song that's new
Michael Saward
Sovereign Lord, in all the earth
Michael Perry
Take heart and praise our God
David Mowbray
They killed him as a common thief
Paul Wigmore
The God of heaven thunders, whose voice
Michael Perry
The king of love my shepherd is
[Modernised Version]
The Lord is king: his majesty
David G. Preston
The Lord is king! Let earth be glad
Christopher Idle
The Lord is king: tremble, O earth, and fear him
David G. Preston
The Lord is King! With joyful sound
David G. Preston
Through all our days we'll sing the praise
Michael Saward
To Bethlehem the strangers came
Paul Wigmore
When Jesus walked upon this earth
Michael Perry
When the king shall come again
Christopher Idle
Wonderful your deeds, Lord
David Mowbray
Your love, O Christ, is near to me
Christopher Porteous
You holy angels bright
[Modernised Version]
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'King, God as'