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Showing 15 song matches for 'law'
All your commandments, Father Almighty
Christopher Idle
Blessed are they who listen not to evil counsel
Paul Wigmore
Clothed in kingly majesty
Michael Saward
Everywhere the skies declare the glory of the Lord!
Barbara Woollett
Father of all, whose laws have stood
David Mowbray
Freedom and life are ours
Christopher Idle
Give praise for famous men
Christopher Idle
How blessed they are
Emma Turl
Listen, my friends, to each word
Christopher Idle
Lord, I delight to recall your commandments
Michael Saward
Show me how much you love me, Lord
Roger Mayor
Sing we praise to God, the king
Michael Perry
The lords of earth are in the hands
David G. Preston
To those who rule our land
Michael Perry
With all my heart I seek the true and living way
David Mowbray
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'law'