Showing 56 song matches for 'light'
All things were made by God the King
Paul Wigmore
Arise and shine! Your light has come
Christopher Idle
As sons of the day and daughters of light
Christopher Idle
As the light upon the river
Christopher Idle
A child is born for us today, a Son to us
Pearl Beasley
Back at the dawn of time, on a canvas clear
Martin Leckebusch
Be merciful to me, O God - for those
Paul Wigmore
Bright mystical starlight
Paul Wigmore
Come, most Holy Spirit, come
Stephen Langton / Edward Caswall / Jubilate Hymns
Eternal light, shine in my heart
Christopher Idle
First of the week and finest day
David Mowbray
For distant clouds that drift across the sky
Martin Leckebusch
God defend me: traitors rise
David G. Preston
Good Christian people, rise and sing
Traditional / Jubilate Hymns
Happy day of great rejoicing!
Mollie Knight
How brightly gleams the morning star
Michael Perry
How long will you forget me, Lord
Christopher Idle
If God has chosen a nation
Christopher Idle
If we are raised to life with Christ
Christopher Idle
Into darkness light has broken
David Mowbray
Into our darkness once you came
Christopher Idle
Jesus is risen
Vernon Stanbridge
Jesus, the joy of loving hearts
Ray Palmer, 1808-1887
Life-giving Christ, our hope and head
Christopher Idle
Light and salvation is the Lord for me
Christopher Idle
Lord Christ, the morning star!
David Mowbray
Lord everlasting yet child born in Bethlehem
David Mowbray
Lord, now let your servant go his way in peace
James Seddon
My God, how wonderful you are
[Modernised Version]
Now as a lamp to guide my footsteps
Emma Turl
No fear of God before the eyes
Christopher Idle
One night over eastern lands
Emma Turl
On Christmas night all Christians sing
English Traditional
O holy, blessed Lord, the bringer of life
John Curtis
O Lord whose love designed this day
Christopher Idle
Praise to the Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
Ring aloud the Christmas bells
Martin Leckebusch
Ring from your steeple, bells of gladness!
Michael Saward
See, amid the winter snow
[Modernised Version]
Send me in peace upon my way
David Mowbray
Singing songs of expectation
[Modernised Version]
Spirit divine, inspire our prayers
[Modernised Version]
Such a night in Bethlehem
Paul Wigmore
The Lord is my light and salvation
David G. Preston
The dance of the stars in burning glory
Christopher Idle
The light of the Lord is like sun on the sea
Judy Davies
The Lord whose glory fills the earth
Martin Leckebusch
The people who in darkness walked
[Modernised Version]
The shepherd guards his sheep
Michael Perry
The star of heaven foretells
Paul Wigmore
True light, blazing in the darkest place
Christopher Idle
We walk this path
Martin Leckebusch
We were not there in Bethlehem
Paul Wigmore
What if the one who shapes the stars
David Mowbray
When things began to happen
Michael Saward
Word of the Father everlasting
David Mowbray