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Showing 17 song matches for 'marriage'
A noble theme impels my heart to sing
David G. Preston
Day of rejoicing
Irene Jarvis
For these many fruitful years
David Mowbray
God be with them!
Michael Perry
God, in whose image we are made
Michael Saward
Here by your grace, O Lord
Brian Hoare
Jesus, Redeemer, come
Michael Perry
Join with us, friends, today
David Mowbray
Lord Jesus Christ, invited guest and Saviour
Michael Perry
Now in view of all God's mercies
Christopher Idle
O God of love who made the world
Brian Davis
Praise God, the hour has come
David Mowbray
Take our lives, and let them be (wedding version)
Michael Perry
To Cana's wedding feast
David Mowbray
True love exceeds in greatness
Brian Black
Unless the Lord has built the house
David Mowbray
We take our silver from the mine
Christopher Idle
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'marriage'