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Showing 31 song matches for 'name'
Before the Lord my soul is bowed
Stephen Horsfall
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all within me
Michael Baughen
Father God in heaven (Lord's Prayer)
James Seddon
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Christopher Idle
Great the wonder, great the mystery
Christopher Idle
Hallelujah! praise the Lord! Where the people
Christopher Idle
Holy Lord and Father
Christopher Idle
How can scholars boast of wisdom
Christopher Idle
How shall the wise be proud of their wisdom
Christopher Idle
I'll praise the Lord for ever and ever
Paul Wigmore
I love the Lord, he heard my voice
Barbara Woollett
Let God who called the worlds to be
David Mowbray
Lord Jesus, when your people meet
My shepherd will supply my need
David G. Preston
One beyond all, you love us to call you
Christopher Idle
O God, do not keep silent
Christopher Idle
O Lord, our Lord, how far your name
David G. Preston
O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful
Michael Perry
O praise the Lord! My soul, proclaim
David G. Preston
O sing to the Lord, O sing a new song
David G. Preston
Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!
Christopher Idle
Revive your church, O Lord
[Modernised Version]
Sing a new song of glory and salvation
Stephen Horsfall
Take heart and praise our God
David Mowbray
The Word was very God
Christopher Idle
Through all the world let Christ be known
Christopher Idle
Welcome to Christ's family
David Mowbray
What does the Lord our God require
Christopher Idle
When things began to happen
Michael Saward
With all my heart I praise you, Lord
David G. Preston
With all your hearts rejoice and sing
David Mowbray
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'name'