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Showing 47 song matches for 'nations'
Above the fields, the dewy fields of Bethlehem
David Mowbray
All authority and power
Christopher Idle
All creatures of our God and king
[Modernised Version]
All my heart this night rejoices (Perry version)
Michael Perry
Arise and shine! Your light has come
Christopher Idle
Come, O God, and rule the earth
Michael Perry
Every nation, praise the Lord, Hallelujah!
David G. Preston
God in mercy grant us blessing
David G. Preston
God is king - the nations tremble
Michael Saward
God is our shield and God our rock
David G. Preston
God of every tribe and nation
Christopher Idle
God of light and life's creation
Michael Perry
God save our gracious Queen
God whose praise is sung in Zion
David Mowbray
Great and wonderful your deeds
Christopher Idle
Hallelujah: Christ is king!
Christopher Idle
I'll sing a new hymn to my God
Christopher Idle
I will sing the Lord's high triumph
Christopher Idle
Jesus Christ gives life and gladness
Michael Saward
Jesus, you are the Lord
Brian Hoare
King of the universe, Lord of the ages
Michael Saward
Let all the righteous to the Lord
David G. Preston
Let God arise! His enemies, be gone
Christopher Idle
Let me now depart in peace
Michael Perry
Let us rejoice! The servants of our Lord
Hilary Jolly
Lift up your heads, you gates of brass
[Modernised Version]
May God be gracious, may we see his face
Stephen Horsfall
May God be gracious to us that your way
Michael Baughen
O God of the nations, we humbly recall
Brian Davis
O clap your hands, all nations, cry
David G. Preston
Praise the Lord, all nations, praise
Christopher Idle
Praise the Lord, all you nations
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!
Christopher Idle
Shout with joy to God, all nations
David G. Preston
Sing to God new songs of worship
Michael Baughen
Sing to the Lord, all the world
Michael Perry
Sing to the Lord a song that's new
Michael Saward
Sing, sing, sing to the Lord
Christopher Idle
The people who in darkness walked
[Modernised Version]
To him we come, Jesus Christ, our Lord
James Seddon
When the guns of war fell silent
Andrew Moll
When God delivered Israel
Michael Saward
Why are the nations conspiring to turn from your name?
Steve James
Why do all the nations rage
David G. Preston
Why do the heathen conspire?
Michael Baughen
Why do the nations all defy
David G. Preston
Wonderful your deeds, Lord
David Mowbray
Showing 2 liturgy matches for 'nations'