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Showing 22 song matches for 'nativity'
As Joseph was awaking
Michael Perry
As light for our dark world he came
Emma Turl
A child is born for us today, a Son to us
Pearl Beasley
Come and hear the news
Michael Perry
Come, see a little tender babe
Michael Perry
Donkey and ox around his bed
Paul Wigmore
Holy... Lord, holy, holy
Philip Warren
Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber
[Modernised Version]
Into darkness light has broken
David Mowbray
I found him cradled in a lamp-lit barn
Paul Wigmore
I saw my love by lantern light
Paul Wigmore
I see your crib
Christopher Porteous
Lord everlasting yet child born in Bethlehem
David Mowbray
Lowly Jesus, King of glory
Christopher Porteous
Mary had a baby, yes, Lord
West Indian Traditional
Mary, ride on to David's town
Paul Wigmore
Never was cause for such delight
Emma Turl
Softly, a shepherd is singing
Paul Wigmore
The daylight is fading
Paul Wigmore
The people who in darkness walked
[Modernised Version]
The shepherds from the hillside
Richard Bewes
Travellers all to Bethlehem
Paul Wigmore
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'nativity'