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Showing 29 song matches for 'pain'
Almighty God, God eternal
Geraldine Luce, Carey Luce
Amid a world of pain and war
Lucy Hannah
A world in pain, a baby's cry
Christopher Idle
Creator God and Father
David Mowbray
Creator God, with whom we share
Christopher Idle
Downtrodden Christ, to you we pray
Christopher Idle
From rolling plains to deep, uncharted jungles
Martin Leckebusch
God, I cry aloud for help
Christopher Idle
God of hope and Lord of healing
Christopher Idle
Hope for the world's despair
Ally Barrett
Hush (Massacre of the Innocents)
Sunil Chandy
In silent pain the eternal Son
Christopher Idle
In the cross of Christ I glory
Richard Bewes
I seek the Lord in grief, in pain
David G. Preston
Jesus, child of gentle Mary
Paul Wigmore
Jesus, the Lord of love and life
James Seddon
Not so very far
Christopher Idle
Now we hear creation groaning
Martin Leckebusch
O God and Saviour of us all
Gordon Giles
O for the wings to fly afar
David Mowbray
Rebuke me not in anger, Lord
David G. Preston
Redeemer Christ, you called the Twelve
David Mowbray
Suffering Christ, uplifted high
David Mowbray
The daylight is fading
Paul Wigmore
The leaves on the tree in the forest
Christopher Porteous
Though the leaves on the trees in the forest
Christopher Porteous
Through relentless doubt and turmoil
Emma Turl
To God, my soul I now commit
John Miller
When life is painful, where we stand
Barbara Woollett
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'pain'