Search Results
Showing 131 song matches for 'praise'
As the deer longs for streams of water
Paul Wigmore
Beyond all knowledge is your love divine
Mary Shekleton / Jubilate Hymns
Christ for all! Christ for all!
Brian Hoare
Christ is king! Our God has spoken
Michael Perry
Clap your hands, you people
Judy Davies
Come, journey to a humble dwelling
James Wood
Come and praise the King of Glory
Emma Turl
Come glorify, yes glorify
Michael Perry
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout
Michael Perry
Creator God beyond compare
Emma Turl
Do not rebuke me any more
Emma Turl
Earth in all its fulness
Emma Turl
Every nation, praise the Lord, Hallelujah!
David G. Preston
Father of all, with praise
David Mowbray
Forgiven by the Lord
Emma Turl
For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love
Christopher Idle
Fountain of justice, sheltering tower
Emma Turl
Give thanks for Whitsun wind and fire
David Mowbray
Give thanks to God for he is good; his love endures
Michael Perry
Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name
Michael Perry
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good
Michael Perry
Glory be to your name, Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
Glory to God! Hear the angels tell
Hunter Lynch
Glory and praise to God!
Christopher Idle
Glory to God in his holy place
Michael Saward
God's holy ways are just and true
Barbara Woollett
God in mercy grant us blessing
David G. Preston
God, in whose image we are made
Michael Saward
God is king - the nations tremble
Michael Saward
God, I'm calling out to you
Emma Turl
Great and wonderful, Lord God
David Mowbray
Hallelujah: Christ is king!
Christopher Idle
He came down that we might have love
Cameroon Traditional
Holy, joyful dawn of Christmas
Paul Wigmore
How good is life, and length of days
Christopher Idle
How great is God almighty and how worthy to be praised
Richard Bewes
If the Lord had not been near
Paul Wigmore
I'll praise the Lord for ever and ever
Paul Wigmore
Immense, immeasurable space
David Mowbray
In all the world of beauty round us
Derek Baldwin
In God the Father's plan
Christopher Idle
It's about time and years that count
Christopher Idle
It is good to praise you, Lord
Michael Perry
I come in joy and wonder
Derek Baldwin
I have no strength but yours
Michael Perry
I love my great Lord
Christopher Idle
I was glad when I heard them say
Michael Saward
I will exalt you, God, my King
Christopher Idle
I will give thanks to the Lord most high
Michael Perry
Jesus, Jesus is alive
Joel Payne
Jesus whose glory, name and praise
Christopher Idle
Joyful people, lift your voices
Emma Turl
Jubilate everybody, serve the Lord with gladness
Michael Perry
Let us sing to the Lord, our Creator
Irene Jarvis
Let earth rejoice! Let all creation sing!
Michael Saward, Peter Simpson
Let the people praise you, O God
Michael Perry
Let us join the jostling throng
Emma Turl
Let us love and sing and wonder
John Newton
Lift up your hearts and give thanks to the Lord
James Seddon
Listen to the words of Jesus
Emma Turl
Lord, as we gather in your name
Geoff Lyon
Lord, we stand in wonder
James Wood
May God be gracious to us that your way
Michael Baughen
Music sounds the joy of human hearts
Paul Wigmore
My God, my King, I'll lift you high
Emma Turl
My heart is ready, O my God
Christopher Idle
My refuge, Lord! To you I run
Emma Turl
My soul glorifies the Lord
Sam Hargreaves
Now as a lamp to guide my footsteps
Emma Turl
O God on high
John Turl
Only the fool will say
Michael Perry
O Christ, the Son of God most high
Christopher Idle
O clap your hands, all nations, cry
David G. Preston
O come, Christians, wonder
Michael Perry, Elise Massa
O God eternal, you are my God!
Christopher Idle
O God, the Creator
James Wood
O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud
Christopher Idle
O Lord our God, we will praise you
Michael Perry
O Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name
Michael Perry
O praise the Lord! Sing praises!
David G. Preston
Praise to the Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
Praise awaits you, God of heaven
Emma Turl
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Michael Perry
Praise for coming of the King
Brian Black
Praise God in his sanctuary
Michael Perry
Praise God today: his glories never end
Christopher Idle
Praise God today: his mercies never end
Christopher Idle
Praise God within his holy place
Stephen Horsfall
Praise him, praise him, everybody praise him
[Modernised Version]
Praise our God with shouts of joy
Christopher Idle
Praise the Lord, all you nations
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, dark and light
Colin Avery
Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the heights
David G. Preston
Praise the Lord in his holiness
Norman Warren
Praise the Lord! My soul is singing
Mollie Knight
Praise the Lord our God, praise the Lord
Richard Bewes
Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my being
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, O my soul; praise the Lord
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, praise God in his sanctuary
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, the God of Israel
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord with the people of Palgrave
Christopher Idle
Praise the Lord, you servants of the Lord
Michael Perry
Praise to God the Father! God who saves his people
Christopher Idle
Praise to the Lord, for the Lord is good
Christopher Idle
Receive the grace that brought you your salvation
Emma Turl
Shout for joy to God, all the earth
Michael Perry
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, serve the Lord with gladness
Michael Perry
Sing praise to Christ the child
Martin Leckebusch
Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth
Michael Perry
Sing to the great creator's praise
Brian Hoare
Sing to the Lord a new song
Michael Perry
The ancient hills have known his word
Christopher Idle
The Lord of life is here today
Brian Black
Though the fig tree does not bud
Brian Hoare
Through all the changing scenes of life
[Modernised Version]
To lead a blameless life, O Lord
Michael Perry
To people of goodwill
Treat me with compassion
Emma Turl
Two thousand years of sorrow
Christopher Idle
Voices echo through the night
Emma Turl
We come to you, the crucified
Emma Turl
We come with thanks and we come with praise
Tim Martin
We honour you, O God
Michael Saward
What a shepherd, what a Saviour
Emma Turl
When all your mercies, O my God my thankful
[Modernised Version]
When my bitter foes surround
Michael Perry
When we are down you raise us up
Christopher Idle
With all your hearts rejoice and sing
David Mowbray
You have changed my sadness
Norman Warren
You holy angels bright
[Modernised Version]
You worked a wonder in me
Judy Davies