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Showing 26 song matches for 'promise'
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
[Modernised Version]
As Jacob travelled far along
Christopher Idle
At the feast of Pentecost
Emma Turl
Baptised in water, sealed by the Spirit
Michael Saward
For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love
Christopher Idle
For you and for many, the promise was spoken
Christopher Idle
God, I cry aloud for help
Christopher Idle
Have you not heard? Do you not know
Michael Saward
He walked by the river where the crowds had gone
Christopher Idle
How the enigma of holiness beckons!
Martin Leckebusch
I see your crib
Christopher Porteous
Jesus, Lord, our hearts are grieving
Brian Black
Joseph, what news has brought such gloom?
Martin Leckebusch
Like a river glorious
[Modernised Version]
Lord, I delight to recall your commandments
Michael Saward
Lord, who may dwell within your house
Paul Wigmore
Now as a lamp to guide my footsteps
Emma Turl
Onward, Christian soldiers
[Modernised Version]
Praise to the Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
The angel Gabriel from heaven came
[Modernised Version]
The countless stars of heaven
Christopher Idle
The splendour of God appears
Michael Saward
This is the truth which we proclaim
Michael Saward
Through the darkness of the ages
Hilary Jolly
Two companions journeyed homeward
Emma Turl
When holy men of old announced the will of God to man
Christopher Idle
Showing 4 liturgy matches for 'promise'