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Showing 15 song matches for 'purpose, God's'
By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered
Michael Perry
Come and believe it! See what God is doing
Christopher Idle
Come, hear the Gospel word
Christopher Idle
God will arise
Michael Perry
His Father's house
Christopher Idle
Hosanna, Lord - you have rescued us
Emma Turl
I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful
Michael Perry
In exile from their homes
Christopher Idle
In God the Father's plan
Christopher Idle
Now praise the protector of heaven
Christopher Idle
The plan of God is sure
Michael Saward
The story has broken
Michael Perry
Treat me with compassion
Emma Turl
We have not walked these paths before
Christopher Idle
With all my heart I praise you, Lord
David G. Preston
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'purpose, God's'