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Showing 22 song matches for 'renewal'
Ascended Christ, who gained
Christopher Idle
As you cleanse me for today
Michael Baughen
Beyond all knowledge is your love divine
Mary Shekleton / Jubilate Hymns
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all within me
Michael Baughen
God, be merciful to me
The Psalter 1912 / Jubilate Hymns
God of grace, whose love eternal
Derek Baldwin
Here by your grace, O Lord
Brian Hoare
Here, Lord, we come to you
James Seddon
If we are raised to life with Christ
Christopher Idle
Lord of the earth's resources
David Mowbray
Lord, you enjoyed a Sabbath rest
Emma Turl
One holy apostolic church
James Seddon
O Christ, the Son of God most high
Christopher Idle
O Holy Spirit, breathe on me
Norman Warren
Rest in God, our God most mighty
David Mowbray
Ring those bells! This year, every year
Christopher Idle
The feet of God have touched this earth
Christopher Idle
To God, my soul I now commit
John Miller
Turn to us, almighty God
Michael Perry
Two hundred years have passed
Christopher Idle
Two thousand years since Bethlehem
Brian Hoare
You worked a wonder in me
Judy Davies
Showing 3 liturgy matches for 'renewal'