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Showing 16 song matches for 'rest'
As David took no rest
David Mowbray
Christian, seek not yet repose
[Modernised Version]
Come with all joy to sing to God
Christopher Idle
Creator God, the world around
Brian Hoare
Find rest, my soul, in God alone
Christopher Idle
For all the saints, who from their labours rest
[Modernised Version]
How good is life, and length of days
Christopher Idle
Like a river glorious
[Modernised Version]
Listen to my prayer, Lord
James Seddon
Now is the time, the time of God's favour
Christopher Idle
Once more the day its toll has taken
John Miller
O happy day that fixed my choice
[Modernised Version]
Praise our God with shouts of joy
Christopher Idle
Rest in God, our God most mighty
David Mowbray
See the feast our God prepares
Christopher Idle
When David found his rest
Christopher Idle
Showing 3 liturgy matches for 'rest'