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Showing 69 song matches for 'shepherds, Christmas'
Above the fields, the dewy fields of Bethlehem
David Mowbray
Angels from the realms of glory
[Modernised Version]
At birth he lay in borrowed manger
John Capon
A great and mighty wonder
[Modernised Version]
Bethlehem, the chosen city of our God
Michael Perry
Bethlehem waiting
Christopher Porteous
Bright mystical starlight
Paul Wigmore
Christians, awake!
[Modernised Version]
Christmas for God's holy people
Michael Saward
Christ came in faith to Bethlehem
John Capon
Christ is born to be our king
Michael Perry
Christ is born within a stable
Michael Perry
Christ whose birth was long foretold
John Capon
Come, see the baby
Stephen Burtonwood
Come, all you good people and burst into song!
Michael Saward
Come and praise the King of Glory
Emma Turl
Come and praise the Lord our king, Alleluia
Michael Perry
Come let us all with one accord
Author unknown
Come, ride with kings to Bethlehem
David Mowbray
From heaven above I come to bring
Michael Perry
Glory be to God on high!
David Mowbray
God bless you richly, everyone
[Modernised Version]
God to Adam came in Eden
Paul Wigmore
Go, tell it on the mountain
African-American Traditional
Greetings, Christian friends and neighbours
Mollie Knight
Here we come a-carolling
Michael Perry
Hush, little baby; peace, little boy
Michael Perry
In the still of the night
Judy Gresham
Jesus, child of gentle Mary
Paul Wigmore
Jesus, child of Mary born
Michael Perry
Jesus Christ the Lord is born
Michael Perry
Listen to the message that the angels bring
David Iliff
Lowly Jesus, King of glory
Christopher Porteous
Mary came with meekness
Paul Wigmore
Mary, ride on to David's town
Paul Wigmore
Never was cause for such delight
Emma Turl
New light has dawned, the Son of God is here
Paul Wigmore
No frightened shepherds now
Paul Wigmore
Small wonder the star
Paul Wigmore
Off to David's town they go
Peter Ratcliffe
Oh what a day for singing
Paul Wigmore
On a night when the world
Michael Perry
O leave your sheep
Bill Stead
Play your pipe! Beat your drum!
Judy Davies
Praise for coming of the King
Brian Black
Praise to God and peace on earth!
Christopher Idle
Rejoice and be merry in songs and in mirth
English Traditional
Ring out the bells - the joyful news is breaking
Michael Perry
See, amid the winter snow
[Modernised Version]
See him lying on a bed of straw
Michael Perry
See the rising sun appearing
Emma Turl
Shepherds, wake to news of joy
Michael Perry
Shepherd-boy, tell me, why are you singing
Paul Wigmore
Silently at Christmas Jesus came to town
Michael Saward
Softly, a shepherd is singing
Paul Wigmore
Such a night in Bethlehem
Paul Wigmore
There's a bright sky over Bethlehem
Michael Perry
The first nowell
[Modernised Version]
The shepherds from the hillside
Richard Bewes
The shepherd guards his sheep
Michael Perry
The story has broken
Michael Perry
The virgin Mary had a baby boy
Trinidadian Traditional
Welcome, child of Mary, coming from above
Michael Perry
We were not there in Bethlehem
Paul Wigmore
When Christ was born
English Traditional
When Christ was born in Bethlehem
John Capon
When glory shone through the dark skies
Christopher Idle
When God from heaven to earth came down
Michael Perry
Who is he in cattle stall
B R Hanby / Jubilate Hymns
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'shepherds, Christmas'