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Showing 13 song matches for 'sun'
All things were made by God the King
Paul Wigmore
Dark the night, but joy comes in the morning
Paul Wigmore
Deck yourself, my soul, with gladness
[Modernised Version]
Everywhere the skies declare the glory of the Lord!
Barbara Woollett
How clear and true the skies sing out God's praise
Christopher Idle
In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ
Christopher Idle
O Lord my love, my strength, my tower
[Modernised Version]
Silver star
Michael Perry
Sing when the rain is coming
Christopher Idle
The earth is yours, O God
Michael Saward
The heavens declare God's glory
David G. Preston
The star of heaven foretells
Paul Wigmore
When rulers judge in righteousness
Christopher Idle
Showing 0 liturgy matches for 'sun'