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Showing 15 song matches for 'time'
Christmas greetings, Christmas joy
Christopher Idle
Eternity once entered time
Christopher Idle
Give God thanks for Christ's appearing
David Mowbray
God of all human history
Christopher Idle
Into our darkness once you came
Christopher Idle
In the cross of Christ I glory
Richard Bewes
It's about time and years that count
Christopher Idle
I never looked for Jesus
Christopher Idle
Lord of our time, help us, we pray
Christopher Idle
Majestic God
Martin Leckebusch
Now is the time, the time of God's favour
Christopher Idle
Our home through every passing age
Emma Turl
Out of the depths I cry, O God, remember
David Mowbray
O Lord our God, in every age
David G. Preston
Word of the Father everlasting
David Mowbray
Showing 3 liturgy matches for 'time'