Showing 38 song matches for 'Trinity'
Alleluia! Raise the anthem
[Modernised Version]
All authority is yours
Brian Hoare
All hail, majestic Trinity!
Michael Saward
Angel voices ever singing
[Modernised Version]
Creator God and Father
David Mowbray
Dear Father, I adore you
Brian Hoare
Eternal Father, strong to save
William Whiting / Jubilate Hymns
Exult, archangels bright
David Mowbray
Father God, the great Creator
Derek Baldwin
Father, Saviour, Holy Spirit, God who numbers all our days
Christopher Idle
Fill this House, Lord God most glorious
David Mowbray
Give God the praise for friends
David Mowbray
Glory be to your name, Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
Glory, glory, glory in the highest
Christopher Rolinson
God, in whose image we are made
Michael Saward
God of God, the uncreated
Prudentius / J M Neale / H W Baker / Jubilate Hymns
God, we praise you! God we bless you!
Christopher Idle
God who created light
Michael Saward
How we thank you, Jesus, Saviour
Emma Turl
Jesus, lead us to the Father
Sam Hargreaves
Jesus, you are the Lord
Brian Hoare
Let us sing to the Lord, our Creator
Irene Jarvis
Let us magnify, magnify, God the almighty
Michael Saward
Long ago to London's city
Michael Saward
O God on high
John Turl
Our chief inspiration, our primary purpose
Christopher Idle
Our Father God, we marvel now
David Mowbray
O God, the Creator
James Wood
O gracious God, we lift our voices high
Michael Saward
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Thomas Ken / Jubilate Hymns
Praise the Father, God of justice
Michael Perry
Praise to the Lord, the one true God
Brian Black
See the grace of God abounding
Paul Wigmore
Send me in peace upon my way
David Mowbray
Sing a hymn to God's great glory
Michael Saward
Sing glory to God the Father
Michael Saward
Thanks be to God for his most holy Son
Michael Saward
Yours the greatness, Lord, the glory
David Mowbray