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Showing 13 song matches for 'wind'
All creatures of our God and king
[Modernised Version]
Come down, Holy Spirit, come in wind and flame
Jenny Wakely
Fierce raged the tempest! On the deep
Michael Perry
For distant clouds that drift across the sky
Martin Leckebusch
Holy Spirit, heaven's breath
Christopher Idle
I love you, O Lord, you alone
Christopher Idle
Moon and bright sun, wind and white cloud
Christopher Idle
O Holy Spirit, breathe on me
Norman Warren
O Trinity, O Trinity, the uncreated One
Michael Saward
Spirit divine, inspire our prayers
[Modernised Version]
Strong Lord, let me love you alone
Christopher Idle
The vision of the living God
Christopher Idle
Wind of God, dynamic Spirit
Michael Saward
Showing 1 liturgy matches for 'wind'