Showing 31 song matches for 'world'
Alleluia, hear the angels sing
Michael Perry
And did you risk yourself, O Christ
Christopher Idle
A world in pain, a baby's cry
Christopher Idle
Christ's church shall glory in his power
Christopher Idle
Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, come and make
Norman Warren
Come, O God, and rule the earth
Michael Perry
Dark is all the world below him
Christopher Idle
Exult, archangels bright
David Mowbray
Food to pilgrims given
Michael Perry
Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name
Michael Perry
Glory to God, the source of all our mission
Christopher Idle
God's word to God's world! In one name alone
Christopher Idle
Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake
James Seddon
Great is the Lord: his praise is great
Christopher Idle
Let the people praise you, O God
Michael Perry
Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim (Jubilate version)
Lift up your hearts and give thanks to the Lord
James Seddon
May God be gracious to us that your way
Michael Baughen
Now at last your servant can depart in peace
Michael Saward
O Lord our God we exalt
John Turl, Emma Turl
One holy apostolic church
James Seddon
O God, the heathen have attacked
Christopher Idle
Sing to the Lord, all the world
Michael Perry
Sound loud the trumpet and strings
Michael Perry
Take God's good news to saddened hearts
David Mowbray
The Lord is here, the darkness gone
Christopher Idle
The Lord is king! He set the stars in space
Brian Hoare
The Lord is king: his majesty
David G. Preston
The Word was very God
Christopher Idle
This world has great rewards to give
Christopher Idle
Through all the world let Christ be known
Christopher Idle