Hymns & Songs by First Line | Tunes by Title
A babe was born on Christmas morn
Michael Saward
A bowl of water and a towel
Martin Leckebusch
A child is born for us today, a Son to us
Pearl Beasley
A farmer sowed his precious seed
Emma Turl
A fervent prayer is rising
Emma Turl
A glory shines in every tree and flower
Derek Baldwin
A great and mighty wonder
[Modernised Version]
A great and mighty wonder (Perry)
[Modernised Version]
A mighty fortress
[Modernised Version]
A purple robe
Timothy Dudley-Smith
A servant of the Lord awaits
Martin Leckebusch
A shroud of darkness (Christmas Alleluias)
Steve James
A song was heard at Christmas
Timothy Dudley-Smith
A thirsty deer will gasp
Emma Turl
A thousand voices clamour
Martin Leckebusch
A word is spoken by the One
Steve James
Abide with me
Henry Francis Lyte
Agnus Dei
Philippines Traditional
Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended
[Modernised Version]
All creation join to say
[Modernised Version]
All creatures of our God and king
[Modernised Version]
All glory, laud and honour
[Modernised Version]
All glory, praise and honour
[Modernised Version]
All hail the power of Jesus' name
[Modernised Version]
All hail, majestic Trinity!
Michael Saward
All my heart this night rejoices
[Modernised Version]
All my ways, all our hearts
Steve James
All people that on earth do dwell
[Modernised Version]
All scriptures are given by the breath of God
Michael Baughen
All the law your God has given
Christopher Idle
All together in one place
Brian Hoare
All who shelter in the presence
Emma Turl
All-creating heavenly giver
Michael Saward
Alleluia (Zamiranze)
Alleluia! Christ is risen!
John Curtis
Alleluia! Raise the anthem
[Modernised Version]
Alleluia, alleluia! hearts to heaven and voices raise
[Modernised Version]
Alleluia, hear the angels sing
Michael Perry
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
[Modernised Version]
Almighty God, God eternal
Geraldine Luce, Carey Luce
Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
[Modernised Version]
Amid a world of pain and war
Lucy Hannah
And can it be that I should gain
[Modernised Version]
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
[Modernised Version]
Angel came to Mary
Sam Hargreaves
Angel voices ever singing
[Modernised Version]
Angels from the realms of glory
[Modernised Version]
Answer my call, O God of grace
Emma Turl
Are you there when life is darkened
Martin Leckebusch
Arise, O God, in wind and fire
Emma Turl
As Christ the Lord took up a towel
David Mowbray
As daylight fades (Evensong)
Geraldine Luce, Carey Luce
As light for our dark world he came
Emma Turl
As the deer longs for streams of water
Paul Wigmore
As the light upon the river
Christopher Idle
As the memories echo down the ages
Becky Mynett
As with gladness men of old
William C Dix / Jubilate Hymns
As with joyful songs we gather
Emma Turl
Ascended Christ, who gained
Christopher Idle
At the feast of Pentecost
Emma Turl
At the name of Jesus
[Modernised Version]
At the supper, Christ the Lord
David Mowbray
Away in a manger
Traditional / J T McFarland
Text Only Items:
A child is born in Bethlehem, sing nowell!
A growing town, a growing need
A noble theme impels my heart to sing
A virgin most holy as prophets do tell
A world in pain, a baby's cry
Above the fields, the dewy fields of Bethlehem
Abraham's faith give us today
Advocate, Amen, Anointed
Age shall not weary them
All authority and power
All authority is yours
All creation, sing to your rightful King
All glory be to God on high; upon this earth
All God's children
All heaven rings with joyful songs
All my heart this night rejoices (Perry version)
All my heart this night rejoices (trad)
All one in Christ! this is our joyful song
All the brown and bare horizons
All the saints who serve in heaven
All things were made by God the King
All who are thirsty, come to the Lord
All your commandments, Father Almighty
Alleluia! Love eternal
Almighty Father, great must be
Almighty God, the Fountain-head
Almighty Lord, the holy one
And did you risk yourself, O Christ
Angels are bringing
Angels, praise him, heavens, praise him
Arise and shine! Your light has come
As David took no rest
As day by day each morning comes
As friends meet round a table
As I hold out my hand
As if, Lord, you are there
As Jacob travelled far along
As Jesus came up from the waters
As Joseph was awaking
As once for you, Lord Christ, there was no room
As sons of the day and daughters of light
As the deer longs for water
As the fainting deer cries out
As we walk along beside you
As when Mary poured the ointment
As you cleanse me for today
At birth he lay in borrowed manger
At evening when the sun had set
At many times, in various ways
At the supper's ending
At this time our God fulfils
Attend, all heaven and earth
Author of life divine
[Modernised Version] Awake, my soul, and with the sun
[Modernised Version]
[Modernised Version] Awake, my soul, and with the sun
[Modernised Version]
Baptised in water, sealed by the Spirit
Michael Saward
Be gracious to me, Lord
Michael Perry
Be in our midst, and gather us together
Ally Barrett
Be known to us in breaking bread
[Modernised Version]
Be thou my vision
[Modernised Version]
Before the Lord my soul is bowed
Stephen Horsfall
Before they leave the upper room
Christopher Idle
Behold, I am the first and the last
Steve James
Behold, the road to Zion's hill
Andrew Finden
Black the cloud and bleak the feeling
David Mowbray
Blessed are the poor in spirit
The Gospel according to Matthew, ch.5
Blessed are those who fear the Lord, who walk
Michael Perry
Blessed is the man, the man who does not walk
Michael Baughen
Blow upon the trumpet!
Michael Perry
Born in song!
Brian Hoare
Born of the water
Michael Perry
Break now the bread of life (Perry version)
Michael Perry
Breath and water, fire and word
Martin Leckebusch
Breathe on me, breath of God
Edwin Hatch / Jubilate Hymns
Breathe on your garden, Son of God
Emma Turl
Bright mystical starlight
Paul Wigmore
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
Reginal Heber / Jubilate Hymns
Bring to the Lord a glad new song
Michael Perry
By the waters of Babylon
Psalm 137:1
By your wounds
Gayle Dowling
Text Only Items:
Babylon by the rivers of sorrow
Back at the dawn of time, on a canvas clear
Baptized into Christ Jesus
Be merciful to me, O God - for those
Be now our guardian and our guide
Be thou my guardian and my guide
[Modernised Version] Because he died and is risen Before the ending of the day
[Modernised Version] Before the heaven and earth Before the roads or railways came Before you start the day Behold the eternal king and priest
[Modernised Version] Behold the great creator makes
[Modernised Version] Bethlehem waiting Bethlehem, the chosen city of our God
[Modernised Version] Because he died and is risen Before the ending of the day
[Modernised Version] Before the heaven and earth Before the roads or railways came Before you start the day Behold the eternal king and priest
[Modernised Version] Behold the great creator makes
[Modernised Version] Bethlehem waiting Bethlehem, the chosen city of our God
Bethlehem, we come to bring
Bethlehem, what greater city
Beyond all knowledge is your love divine
Beyond the fringes of the church
Beyond the grasp of human brain
Bless all who trust in God
Bless the Lord in psalm and chorus
Bless the Lord, created things
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all within me
Bless the Lord, our fathers' God
Blessed (blest) be the God of Israel who comes
Blessed are they who listen not to evil counsel
Blessed are those who fear the Lord, walking
Blessed be the God of Israel who sets
Blessed, each one who does not walk
Blessing and honour, glory and power
Born as a stranger
Born of Adam, torn from Eden
Bread of heaven, on you we feed
Bright the vision that delighted
[Modernised Version] Bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in your life Bring songs of joy to God the Lord Bring strength and joy to all who fear God's name Broad is the way that leads man to Built upon God's holy mountain By flowing waters of Babylon By his redeeming love, at one with God! By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered
[Modernised Version] Bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in your life Bring songs of joy to God the Lord Bring strength and joy to all who fear God's name Broad is the way that leads man to Built upon God's holy mountain By flowing waters of Babylon By his redeeming love, at one with God! By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered
Called by name
Thomas Bell
Calypso Carol
Michael Perry
Celebrate the faith together
Brian Hoare
Child in the manger
Mary MacDonald, translated L MacBean
Child of mine, the virgin sings
David Mowbray
Christ came in faith to Bethlehem
John Capon
Christ is ascending! let creation sing
David Mowbray
Christ is born!
Roger Peach
Christ is going to the Father
Christopher Idle
Christ is made the sure foundation
John M Neale / Jubilate Hymns
Christ is my Shepherd-King
Emma Turl
Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward
Christopher Idle
Christ the Lord is risen today
[Modernised Version]
Christ the Lord is risen today
[Modernised Version]
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Michael Saward
Christ your glory fills the heavens
Steve James
Christ, grant me grace to let you wash my feet
Christopher Idle
Christ, the Lord, is risen today
[Modernised Version]
Christians, awake!
[Modernised Version]
Christians, awake! (Byrom)
John Byrom
Christians, awake! (Perry)
Michael Perry
Christians, awake, salute the happy morn
[Modernised Version]
Christians, join in celebration, lift your voices
James Seddon
Christingle, Christingle
Phil Rynhart, Travis Ham
Christmas news! Christ is born
David Mowbray
Church of God, elect and glorious
James Seddon
Clothed in kingly majesty
Michael Saward
Come and hear the joyful singing
Michael Perry
Come and praise the King of Glory
Emma Turl
Come and praise the Lord our king, Alleluia
Michael Perry
Come and see the shining hope that Christ's apostle saw
Christopher Idle
Come and sing the Christmas story
Michael Perry
Come down, Holy Spirit, come in wind and flame
Jenny Wakely
Come down, O love divine
[Modernised Version]
Come greet the Lord with songs
Emma Turl
Come let us all with one accord
Author unknown
Come see a vision for all humankind
Steve James
Come to God's table
Ally Barrett
Come with all joy to sing to God
Christopher Idle
Come, journey to a humble dwelling
James Wood
Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout
Michael Perry
Come, let us worship the Christ of creation!
Michael Saward
Come, Lord Jesus, come, Lord Jesus, come and make
Norman Warren
Come, O fount of every blessing
[Modernised Version]
Come, O Holy Spirit, come
Author unknown
Come, O long-expected Jesus
Charles Wesley / Jubilate Hymns
Come, praise the name of Jesus
Christopher Idle
Come, see the baby
Stephen Burtonwood
Come, sing praises to the Lord above
Michael Perry
Come, thou Fount of every blessing
[Modernised Version]
Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem
[Modernised Version]
Come, you thankful people, come
Henry Alford / Jubilate Hymns
Comes Mary to the grave
Michael Perry
Commit your way to God the Lord
Michael Perry
Creation's vast treasure
Martin Leckebusch
Creator God beyond compare
Emma Turl
Creator God, the world around
Brian Hoare
Creator God, with whom we share
Christopher Idle
Creator of the stars of light
Michael Perry
Crown him with many crowns
Matthew Bridges / Godfrey Thring / Jubilate Hymns
Text Only Items:
Cattle know their master's manger
Child in a stable
Child of gladness, child of sorrow
Child of heaven born on earth
chorus to: Come, sing praises to the Lord above
Christ for all! Christ for all!
Christ has prepared for us a place
Christ holds the keys of death and hell
Christ in majesty ascending
Christ is all the world's good news
Christ is born to be our king
Christ is born within a stable
Christ is king! Our God has spoken
Christ on whom the Spirit rested
Christ once was sacrificed
Christ the Lord makes all things new
Christ the Lord who calls us
Christ whose birth was long foretold
Christ's church shall glory in his power
Christ, from whom all blessings flow
[Modernised Version] Christ, our hope, our joy appears Christ, the light who shines unfading Christ, who for our salvation came Christian soldiers, onward go
[Modernised Version] Christian, do you hear the Lord?
[Modernised Version] Christian, seek not yet repose
[Modernised Version] Christians, make a joyful sound Christmas for God's holy people Christmas greetings, Christmas joy City of God, Jerusalem Clap your hands, you people Come and believe it! See what God is doing Come and hear the news Come and praise him, joyful raise him Come and tread the pathway Come glorify, yes glorify Come to a world of need Come to greet the Lord with joy Come, all you good people and burst into song! Come, hear the Gospel word Come, join to praise our God and king Come, let us join our friends above
[Modernised Version] Come, Lord, to make yourself at home Come, most Holy Spirit, come Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life Come, O God, and rule the earth Come, praise the Lord, all you his servants Come, rejoice before your maker Come, ride with kings to Bethlehem Come, see a little tender babe Come, see the winter is past Come, Spirit, to our lives today Come, worship God who is worthy of honour Contend, O Lord, with those Creator God and Father Creator Spirit, come inspire Crushed the grain, his earthly life
[Modernised Version] Christ, our hope, our joy appears Christ, the light who shines unfading Christ, who for our salvation came Christian soldiers, onward go
[Modernised Version] Christian, do you hear the Lord?
[Modernised Version] Christian, seek not yet repose
[Modernised Version] Christians, make a joyful sound Christmas for God's holy people Christmas greetings, Christmas joy City of God, Jerusalem Clap your hands, you people Come and believe it! See what God is doing Come and hear the news Come and praise him, joyful raise him Come and tread the pathway Come glorify, yes glorify Come to a world of need Come to greet the Lord with joy Come, all you good people and burst into song! Come, hear the Gospel word Come, join to praise our God and king Come, let us join our friends above
[Modernised Version] Come, Lord, to make yourself at home Come, most Holy Spirit, come Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life Come, O God, and rule the earth Come, praise the Lord, all you his servants Come, rejoice before your maker Come, ride with kings to Bethlehem Come, see a little tender babe Come, see the winter is past Come, Spirit, to our lives today Come, worship God who is worthy of honour Contend, O Lord, with those Creator God and Father Creator Spirit, come inspire Crushed the grain, his earthly life
Da n'ase
John Turl
Dark is the night, the passing hours are long
Ally Barrett
Day of rejoicing
Irene Jarvis
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
[Modernised Version]
Ding-dong! Merrily on high
G R Woodward / Jubilate Hymns
Do not be afraid
Thomas Bell
Do not place your trust in princes
Joel Stamoolis
Do not rebuke me any more
Emma Turl
Down to the lords of earth
Paul Wigmore
Downtrodden Christ, to you we pray
Christopher Idle
Draw near and take the body of the Lord
[Modernised Version]
Drop, slow tears of anguish
Ally Barrett
Dust to dust, we face our sentence
Ally Barrett
Text Only Items:
Dark is all the world below him
Dark is the night, and friends lie sleeping still
Dark the night, but joy comes in the morning
Dear Father, I adore you
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness
[Modernised Version] Deck yourself, my soul, with gladness
[Modernised Version] Descend from heaven Donkey and ox around his bed Down from the height of his glory he came Draw me ever closer to you
[Modernised Version] Deck yourself, my soul, with gladness
[Modernised Version] Descend from heaven Donkey and ox around his bed Down from the height of his glory he came Draw me ever closer to you
Earth in all its fulness
Emma Turl
Emmanuel has come
Hunter Lynch
Eternal Father, strong to save
William Whiting / Jubilate Hymns
Eternity once entered time
Christopher Idle
Everybody praise
Joel Payne
Everything is yours, Lord
The Bible
Exalted God, our shepherd
Emma Turl
Exult, creation round God's throne
Christopher Idle
Text Only Items:
Faith overcomes! The light of Christ is shining
Christopher Jones
Far greater than great and more loving than love
Christopher Idle
Farewell, friend(s) in Christ
David Mowbray
Father God in heaven (Lord's Prayer)
James Seddon
Father God, the great Creator
Derek Baldwin
Father in heaven, have mercy upon us
Indian Traditional
Father, we have sinned against you
Geoff Twigg
Father, you know the way that I am taking
Emma Turl
Fill now my life, O Lord my God
Horatius Bonar
Fill this House, Lord God most glorious
David Mowbray
For a child is born to us
Michael Perry
For all our seven churches
Christopher Idle
For all the saints, who from their labours rest
[Modernised Version]
For all with heavy loads to bear
Ally Barrett
For distant clouds that drift across the sky
Martin Leckebusch
For God so loved the world he gave his only Son
Michael Perry
For to us a child is born
Judy Gresham
Forgive us when our deeds ignore
Martin Leckebusch
Forgive, bless, direct us, Lord
John Miller
Forgiven by the Lord
Emma Turl
Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
[Modernised Version]
Forth in your name, O Lord, I go
[Modernised Version]
Forty days and forty nights
George H Smyttan / Jubilate Hymns
Fountain of justice, sheltering tower
Emma Turl
Freedom and life are ours
Christopher Idle
Norman Goreham
From heaven above I come to bring
Michael Perry
Text Only Items:
Faith is your gift, Lord God
Faithful shepherd, feed me
[Modernised Version] Far greater than one thought or could suppose Father almighty, we your humble servants Father and God, from whom our world derives Father of all, whose laws have stood Father of all, with praise Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Father, I have sinned against you Father, let us dedicate Father, Saviour, Holy Spirit, God who numbers all our days Fear not, for I bring all people Fierce raged the tempest! On the deep Find rest, my soul, in God alone Fine weaver of all things
[Modernised Version] Far greater than one thought or could suppose Father almighty, we your humble servants Father and God, from whom our world derives Father of all, whose laws have stood Father of all, with praise Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Father, I have sinned against you Father, let us dedicate Father, Saviour, Holy Spirit, God who numbers all our days Fear not, for I bring all people Fierce raged the tempest! On the deep Find rest, my soul, in God alone Fine weaver of all things
Firmly I believe and truly
[Modernised Version] First and best-beloved First of the week and finest day Flawless are God's mighty words Fling wide the gates Food to pilgrims given FOOLISH WISDOM For all your boundless gifts For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love For his love to me is faithful For over the nations our Jesus shall reign For the gift of life on waking For the Lord most high is mighty For these many fruitful years For you and for many, the promise was spoken For your mercy and your grace Forgotten for eternity - is that to be my destiny? Friends of God whose faith abounded From deep despair to you I call From God's majestic throne From highest heaven where praises ring From my pursuers keep me safe From rolling plains to deep, uncharted jungles From the very depths I cry From the water comes the child From time beyond my memory From you all skill and science flow
[Modernised Version] First and best-beloved First of the week and finest day Flawless are God's mighty words Fling wide the gates Food to pilgrims given FOOLISH WISDOM For all your boundless gifts For ever, Lord, I'll sing your love For his love to me is faithful For over the nations our Jesus shall reign For the gift of life on waking For the Lord most high is mighty For these many fruitful years For you and for many, the promise was spoken For your mercy and your grace Forgotten for eternity - is that to be my destiny? Friends of God whose faith abounded From deep despair to you I call From God's majestic throne From highest heaven where praises ring From my pursuers keep me safe From rolling plains to deep, uncharted jungles From the very depths I cry From the water comes the child From time beyond my memory From you all skill and science flow
Gathered together as friends of the master
Brian Hoare
Michael Perry
Susan Goforth
Give thanks for the sunshine
Roger Peach
Give thanks for Whitsun wind and fire
David Mowbray
Give thanks to God for he is good; his love endures
Michael Perry
Give thanks to God who runs to meet us now
Donald Wetherick
Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting giver
Christopher Idle
Give thanks to God, for he is good: his love shall last
Michael Perry
Give thanks to the Lord
Sam Hargreaves
Give to God your humble thanks
John Turl
Give to our God immortal praise
[Modernised Version]
Glad music fills the Christmas sky
Michael Perry
Glorious things of thee are spoken
[Modernised Version]
Glorious things of you are spoken
[Modernised Version]
Glory be to God in heaven, peace to those
Michael Perry
Glory be to your name, Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven!
Christopher Idle
Glory to God! Hear the angels tell
Hunter Lynch
Glory to God, the source of all our mission
Christopher Idle
Glory to Jesus! risen, conquering Son
[Modernised Version]
Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake
James Seddon
Go, tell it on the mountain
African-American Traditional
God be with them!
Michael Perry
God bless you richly, everyone
[Modernised Version]
God in each season
Donald Wetherick
God is good! Give thanks to him
Emma Turl
God is king - be warned, you mighty
Michael Perry
God is our fortress and our rock
[Modernised Version]
God is working his purpose out
[Modernised Version]
God of all human history
Christopher Idle
God of God, the uncreated
Prudentius / J M Neale / H W Baker / Jubilate Hymns
God of grace, whose love eternal
Derek Baldwin
God of my life, to you I pray
Christopher Idle
God of overarching splendour
Emma Turl
God rest ye merry, gentlemen
[Modernised Version]
God the Father of creation
Michael Perry
God the mighty Lord resplendent
Emma Turl
God to Adam came in Eden
Paul Wigmore
God who created light
Michael Saward
God whose praise is sung in Zion
David Mowbray
God's holy ways are just and true
Barbara Woollett
God's word to God's world! In one name alone
Christopher Idle
God, creation comes from you
Michael Baughen
God, I'm calling out to you
Emma Turl
God, in whose image we are made
Michael Saward
God, we praise you! God we bless you!
Christopher Idle
Good Christians all, rejoice
[Modernised Version]
Good King Wenceslas
[Modernised Version]
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
[Modernised Version]
Grant me, Lord, serenity
David Mowbray
Guide me, O my great Redeemer
[Modernised Version]
Text Only Items:
Gabriel the angel came
Get together, get together
Gift of Christ from God our Father
Give God thanks for Christ's appearing
Give God thanks for he is gracious
Give God the praise for friends
Give praise for famous men
Give thanks for the gifts and give praise to the giver
Give thanks for those working
Give thanks to God for he is good, give thanks
Give thanks to God the Lord, by all
Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never fail
Give thanks to God, the Lord of all creation's wonders
Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good
Give the Lord his rightful glory
Give us Christ's love, its depth and length
Given by grace
Glad to be alive
Glory and honour, wisdom and splendour
Glory and praise to God!
Glory be to God on high!
Glory in the highest heaven
Glory to God in his holy place
Glory to the Lord of love
Glory to you, my God, this night
Glory, glory, glory in the highest
Glory, glory, glory to the Lord
Go in Jesus' name to spread the news of joy and peace
God defend me: traitors rise
God everlasting, at your word
God has been gracious; a son he gives us
God in mercy grant us blessing
God is king - the nations tremble
God is king above the mountains high
God is our guide, our light and our deliverer
God is our shield and God our rock
God is our strength and refuge
God is present by his Spirit
God is with the righteous
God made me for himself, to serve him here
[Modernised Version] God of every tribe and nation God of hope and Lord of healing God of hosts, you chose a vine God of Israel's names and numbers God of light and life's creation God of the garden, Eden's land God our Father and creator God our Father, bless your people God our shepherd, bless your people God save and bless our nation God save our gracious King
[Modernised Version] God sent his Son into the world God so loved the world he gave God speaks - the Lord of all the earth God the Father caused to be God the I AM who does not change God the Lord, the king almighty God whose love we cannot measure God will arise God's gift of life and love has gone God, be merciful to me God, I cry aloud for help God, loving ruler of the world God, my God, for you I'm searching God, you have chosen, called, prepared Good Christian people, rise and sing Good Shepherd, you know us, you call us by name Grace and peace be ours for ever Great and wonderful your deeds Great and wonderful, Lord God Great God of wisdom, loving yet all-seeing! Great God, what do I see and hear?
[Modernised Version] Great is God's truth, it shall prevail Great is the Lord we now acclaim Great is the Lord: his praise is great Great the wonder, great the mystery Greetings, Christian friends and neighbours
[Modernised Version] God of every tribe and nation God of hope and Lord of healing God of hosts, you chose a vine God of Israel's names and numbers God of light and life's creation God of the garden, Eden's land God our Father and creator God our Father, bless your people God our shepherd, bless your people God save and bless our nation God save our gracious King
[Modernised Version] God sent his Son into the world God so loved the world he gave God speaks - the Lord of all the earth God the Father caused to be God the I AM who does not change God the Lord, the king almighty God whose love we cannot measure God will arise God's gift of life and love has gone God, be merciful to me God, I cry aloud for help God, loving ruler of the world God, my God, for you I'm searching God, you have chosen, called, prepared Good Christian people, rise and sing Good Shepherd, you know us, you call us by name Grace and peace be ours for ever Great and wonderful your deeds Great and wonderful, Lord God Great God of wisdom, loving yet all-seeing! Great God, what do I see and hear?
[Modernised Version] Great is God's truth, it shall prevail Great is the Lord we now acclaim Great is the Lord: his praise is great Great the wonder, great the mystery Greetings, Christian friends and neighbours
Halle, halle, hallelujah!
Caribbean Traditional
Hallelujah, sing to Jesus
[Modernised Version]
Happy day of great rejoicing!
Mollie Knight
Happy the people who refuse
David G. Preston
Harvest home! We sing God's praises
Geoff Lyon
Have mercy on us, Lord
Pakistan Traditional
Have you heard the raindrops drumming on the rooftops?
Christian Strover
Have you not known there's an everlasting God
Steve James
He came down that we might have love
Cameroon Traditional
He stood before the court
Christopher Idle
He was pierced
Stephen Burtonwood
Heal me, hands of Jesus
Michael Perry
Hear the skies around
Michael Perry
Here and now we’re bound together
Ally Barrett
Here is love vast as the ocean (with Bewes verses)
Richard Bewes
Here we are giving
Ally Barrett
Holy child, how still you lie
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Holy holy holy Lord
ICET 1973
Holy Spirit, gracious guest
[Modernised Version]
Holy Spirit, heaven's breath
Christopher Idle
Holy, holy, holy (Santo, Santo, Santo)
Author unknown
Hope for the world's despair
Ally Barrett
Hosanna, Lord - you have rescued us
Emma Turl
How beautiful it is
Emma Turl
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
[Modernised Version]
How firm a foundation, you people of God
[Modernised Version]
How great a God
Mark Chambers
How I love you, God my Father
Judy Gresham
How shall I sing that Majesty
[Modernised Version]
How shall they hear the word of God
Michael Perry
How sure the scriptures are
Christopher Idle
How the enigma of holiness beckons!
Martin Leckebusch
How we thank you, Jesus, Saviour
Emma Turl
How widely now does Christ stretch out his arms
Paul Wigmore
How wonderful, the things that he has done for me
Geoff Weaver
Hush (Massacre of the Innocents)
Sunil Chandy
Hush you, my baby
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Hush! my dear, lie still and slumber
[Modernised Version]
Hush, little baby; peace, little boy
Michael Perry
Hymn of Peace
Ally Barrett
Text Only Items:
Had not the Lord - let Israel say
Had we not sinned
Hail, gladdening light, of his pure glory poured
[Modernised Version] Hail, O once rejected Jesus!
[Modernised Version] Hail, our once-rejected Jesus
[Modernised Version] Hallelujah! praise the Lord! Where the people Hallelujah: Christ is king! Happiness is simple trust Happy are those who acknowledge their need Happy are those who fear the Lord Happy are those whose offence is forgiven Happy Christmas, everybody! Happy the people who refuse (LM) Hark! a trumpet call is sounding Hark! the voice of love and mercy
[Modernised Version]
[Modernised Version] Hail, O once rejected Jesus!
[Modernised Version] Hail, our once-rejected Jesus
[Modernised Version] Hallelujah! praise the Lord! Where the people Hallelujah: Christ is king! Happiness is simple trust Happy are those who acknowledge their need Happy are those who fear the Lord Happy are those whose offence is forgiven Happy Christmas, everybody! Happy the people who refuse (LM) Hark! a trumpet call is sounding Hark! the voice of love and mercy
[Modernised Version]
Hark, my soul, it is the Lord
[Modernised Version] Harps and horns and trumpets sound Have you not heard? Do you not know Hévénu shalóm aléchem He gave his life in selfless love He lives in us, the Christ of God He walked by the river where the crowds had gone Hear me, O Lord, and respond to my prayer Hear me, O Lord, in my distress Hear my prayer, O Lord, hear Hear, O Lord, my desperate pleading Heaven and earth are full of your glory Heaven opened Heaven's peace be to you Help us to help each other, Lord
[Modernised Version] Here by your grace, O Lord Here comes Jesus, walking by the seaside Here from all nations, all tongues, and all peoples Here we come a-carolling Here, Lord, we come to you His eyes will guide my footsteps His Father's house Holy Lord and Father Holy, joyful dawn of Christmas How blessed (blest) are those who live by faith How blessed (blest) are those who trust in God How blessed they are How blest are the people How blest the poor who love the Lord How bright these glorious spirits shine
[Modernised Version] How brightly gleams the morning star How can scholars boast of wisdom How clear and true the skies sing out God's praise How delightful is your dwelling How do we start to touch the broken hearts How firm the ground on which I stand How glad are those with peace of mind How good a thing it is How good and pleasing is the sight How good is life, and length of days How great is God almighty and how worthy to be praised How joyful is the song How long will you forget me, Lord, and hide your face away? How long, O Lord, will you forget an answer to my prayer? How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord most high How many are against me, Lord How old the road, where pilgrims went How shall the wise be proud of their wisdom How we long to find peace through the Lord our God How wickedly they spread their lies Hush, do not cry, my little tiny child
[Modernised Version] Harps and horns and trumpets sound Have you not heard? Do you not know Hévénu shalóm aléchem He gave his life in selfless love He lives in us, the Christ of God He walked by the river where the crowds had gone Hear me, O Lord, and respond to my prayer Hear me, O Lord, in my distress Hear my prayer, O Lord, hear Hear, O Lord, my desperate pleading Heaven and earth are full of your glory Heaven opened Heaven's peace be to you Help us to help each other, Lord
[Modernised Version] Here by your grace, O Lord Here comes Jesus, walking by the seaside Here from all nations, all tongues, and all peoples Here we come a-carolling Here, Lord, we come to you His eyes will guide my footsteps His Father's house Holy Lord and Father Holy, joyful dawn of Christmas How blessed (blest) are those who live by faith How blessed (blest) are those who trust in God How blessed they are How blest are the people How blest the poor who love the Lord How bright these glorious spirits shine
[Modernised Version] How brightly gleams the morning star How can scholars boast of wisdom How clear and true the skies sing out God's praise How delightful is your dwelling How do we start to touch the broken hearts How firm the ground on which I stand How glad are those with peace of mind How good a thing it is How good and pleasing is the sight How good is life, and length of days How great is God almighty and how worthy to be praised How joyful is the song How long will you forget me, Lord, and hide your face away? How long, O Lord, will you forget an answer to my prayer? How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord most high How many are against me, Lord How old the road, where pilgrims went How shall the wise be proud of their wisdom How we long to find peace through the Lord our God How wickedly they spread their lies Hush, do not cry, my little tiny child
I am the bread, the bread of life
Brian Hoare
I believe in God the Father who created heaven
Michael Perry
I cannot tell how he whom angels worship
William Fullerton
I come in joy and wonder
Derek Baldwin
I cry to the Lord who answers me
Steve James
I dreamed that I saw three donkeys
Paul Wigmore
I lift my eyes to the quiet hills
Timothy Dudley-Smith
I love the Lord - his listening ear
Emma Turl
I love the Lord because he heard my voice
Michael Perry
I love you (Te amo)
I love you, O Lord, you alone
Christopher Idle
I met the Lord
Paul Wigmore
I see your crib
Christopher Porteous
I to the hills lift up my eyes
Christopher Idle
I waited patiently for the Lord
Michael Baughen
I was glad when they said to me
Michael Perry
I will give thanks to the Lord most high
Michael Perry
I will sing the Lord's high triumph
Christopher Idle
I'll praise the Lord for ever and ever
Paul Wigmore
Icon of the invisible God
Janet Lunt
If Christ had not been raised from death
Christopher Idle
Immortal love for ever full
[Modernised Version]
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
[Modernised Version]
In a stable, in a manger
Michael Perry
In Christ there is no east or west, in Christ no south or north
Michael Perry
In Christ there is no east or west, in him no pride of birth
Michael Perry
In Christ we died; with Christ we live
Norman Goreham
In desperate times, O Lord
Emma Turl
In heavenly love abiding
[Modernised Version]
In lustrous robes of majesty
Emma Turl
In majesty and splendour
Michael Perry
In our darkness light has shone
Timothy Dudley-Smith
In psalms and hymns of joyful praise
Christopher Idle
In silent pain the eternal Son
Christopher Idle
In the cross of Christ I glory
Richard Bewes
In the darkness of the night
Michael Perry
In the garden
Susan Goforth
In the still of the night
Judy Gresham
In this moment of communion
Judy Gresham
In your world your kingdom come, O Lord
Simon Bray
Infant holy, infant lowly
E M G Reed
Into the world, with love
David Mowbray
It came upon the midnight clear
[Modernised Version]
It is good to praise you, Lord
Michael Perry
It may be at dawn, when the day is awaking
Richard Bewes
It was an ancient olive grove
Emma Turl
It was in Judah's land
Tradition Appalachian
It was just two thousand years ago
Richard Bewes
It's in the blood
John Turl
Text Only Items:
I am not worthy, holy Lord
[Modernised Version] I bind myself to God today
[Modernised Version] I bind unto myself today
[Modernised Version] I bless the Christ of God
[Modernised Version] I can do all things I cried out for heaven to hear me I cried out to God to help me I do not hold life so dear I found him cradled in a lamp-lit barn I have no strength but yours I hear the words of love
[Modernised Version] I know it was your love for me I lift my eyes to you I long to sing with Abraham I love my great Lord
[Modernised Version] I bind myself to God today
[Modernised Version] I bind unto myself today
[Modernised Version] I bless the Christ of God
[Modernised Version] I can do all things I cried out for heaven to hear me I cried out to God to help me I do not hold life so dear I found him cradled in a lamp-lit barn I have no strength but yours I hear the words of love
[Modernised Version] I know it was your love for me I lift my eyes to you I long to sing with Abraham I love my great Lord
I love the Lord, he heard my voice
I love you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer
I never looked for Jesus
I praise you, Lord, with all my heart
I saw my love by lantern light
I saw the Holy City
I seek the Lord in grief, in pain
I should be getting to know you
I tell you Jesus is all that you need
I thank you Lord with all my heart whenever good
I thank you Lord with all my heart, I worship
I trust the Lord for safety
I vow to you, my Saviour, all earthly things above
I was glad when I heard them say
I will exalt you, God, my King
I worship you, O Lord
I'll lift my voice, O Lord
I'll live for Christ who gave himself on the tree
I'll praise my maker while I've breath
[Modernised Version] I'll praise my maker with my breath
[Modernised Version] I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful I'll sing a new hymn to my God I'm not ashamed to name my Lord
[Modernised Version] I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
[Modernised Version] I've found my refuge in the Lord I've tried in vain a thousand ways If God does not build up our house If God has chosen a nation If the building is not of the Lord If the Lord had not been near If the Spirit of God is moving us now If this is not our world If we are raised to life with Christ If we love the word of God If you ask me how I know If you love the word of God Immense, immeasurable space In a sudden, searing moment In all the world of beauty round us In anguish to the Lord I cry In awe and wonder, Lord our God In Christ shall all be made alive, we sing In exile from their homes In God the Father's plan In God the Lord my heart is strong In Judah's kingdom God is known In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ In patient hope I sought the Lord In silence my soul is waiting In the bleak mid-winter In the day of need may your answer be the Lord In the name of Christ we worship In the public square they meet In the streets of every city In the time of trial and testing In times past the prophets promised In you, O Lord, I find my refuge In your arms of love so tender Into darkness light has broken Into our darkness once you came Into our world from God he came Is the city all they say it is Is your harvest less than you had hoped? Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer It is a thing most wonderful
[Modernised Version] It was no empty dreamer It was on Sunday morning It's about time and years that count
[Modernised Version] I'll praise my maker with my breath
[Modernised Version] I'll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful I'll sing a new hymn to my God I'm not ashamed to name my Lord
[Modernised Version] I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
[Modernised Version] I've found my refuge in the Lord I've tried in vain a thousand ways If God does not build up our house If God has chosen a nation If the building is not of the Lord If the Lord had not been near If the Spirit of God is moving us now If this is not our world If we are raised to life with Christ If we love the word of God If you ask me how I know If you love the word of God Immense, immeasurable space In a sudden, searing moment In all the world of beauty round us In anguish to the Lord I cry In awe and wonder, Lord our God In Christ shall all be made alive, we sing In exile from their homes In God the Father's plan In God the Lord my heart is strong In Judah's kingdom God is known In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ In patient hope I sought the Lord In silence my soul is waiting In the bleak mid-winter In the day of need may your answer be the Lord In the name of Christ we worship In the public square they meet In the streets of every city In the time of trial and testing In times past the prophets promised In you, O Lord, I find my refuge In your arms of love so tender Into darkness light has broken Into our darkness once you came Into our world from God he came Is the city all they say it is Is your harvest less than you had hoped? Israel's shepherd, hear our prayer It is a thing most wonderful
[Modernised Version] It was no empty dreamer It was on Sunday morning It's about time and years that count
Jerusalem the golden
[Modernised Version]
Jesu, my Lord, my God, my all
[Modernised Version]
Jesus at the supper
David Mowbray
Jesus Christ is risen today
Lyra Davidica, 1708
Jesus Christ the Lord is born
Michael Perry
Jesus Christ, the same
Janet Lunt
Jesus comes with clouds descending
[Modernised Version]
Jesus in the desert
David Mowbray
Jesus is alive
Stephen Burtonwood
Jesus is King; praise him, every nation
John Turl
Jesus is our refuge
Michael Perry
Jesus is risen
Vernon Stanbridge
Jesus is risen! Alleluia!
Geoff Lyon
Jesus lives! Your terrors now
[Modernised Version]
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
[Modernised Version]
Jesus, come! for we invite you
Christopher Idle
Jesus, hope of every nation
Michael Perry
Jesus, Jesus is alive
Joel Payne
Jesus, lead us to the Father
Sam Hargreaves
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all
[Modernised Version]
Jesus, stand among us
W. Pennefather
Jesus, the joy of loving hearts
Ray Palmer, 1808-1887
Jesus, the Lord of love and life
James Seddon
Joseph, what news has brought such gloom?
Martin Leckebusch
Journey to Bethlehem, worship your king
Michael Perry
Joy to the world
[Modernised Version]
Joy to the world, the Lord is come
[Modernised Version]
Just as I am, without one plea
[Modernised Version]
Text Only Items:
J stands for Junior
Jerusalem on high
[Modernised Version] Jerusalem, how glad I was Jerusalem, my happy home
[Modernised Version] Jesus came, the heavens adoring
[Modernised Version] Jesus Christ gives life and gladness Jesus Christ is my Lord and king Jesus whose glory, name and praise Jesus, child of gentle Mary Jesus, child of Mary born Jesus, I worship you Jesus, Lord of earth and heaven Jesus, Lord, our hearts are grieving Jesus, most generous Lord Jesus, Name above all names
[Modernised Version] Jerusalem, how glad I was Jerusalem, my happy home
[Modernised Version] Jesus came, the heavens adoring
[Modernised Version] Jesus Christ gives life and gladness Jesus Christ is my Lord and king Jesus whose glory, name and praise Jesus, child of gentle Mary Jesus, child of Mary born Jesus, I worship you Jesus, Lord of earth and heaven Jesus, Lord, our hearts are grieving Jesus, most generous Lord Jesus, Name above all names
Jesus, priceless treasure
[Modernised Version] Jesus, Redeemer, come Jesus, Redeemer, Mary's child Jesus, Saviour of the world, you Jesus, Saviour, holy child Jesus, Son of God and Mary Jesus, thanks be for all you have given Jesus, the very thought of you
[Modernised Version] Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
[Modernised Version] Jesus, you are the Lord Jesus, you are welcome Jesus, your blood and righteousness
[Modernised Version] Join with us, friends, today Jordan's waters part in two Joyful people, lift your voices Jubilate everybody, serve the Lord with gladness Judge eternal, throned in splendour
[Modernised Version]
[Modernised Version] Jesus, Redeemer, come Jesus, Redeemer, Mary's child Jesus, Saviour of the world, you Jesus, Saviour, holy child Jesus, Son of God and Mary Jesus, thanks be for all you have given Jesus, the very thought of you
[Modernised Version] Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
[Modernised Version] Jesus, you are the Lord Jesus, you are welcome Jesus, your blood and righteousness
[Modernised Version] Join with us, friends, today Jordan's waters part in two Joyful people, lift your voices Jubilate everybody, serve the Lord with gladness Judge eternal, throned in splendour
[Modernised Version]
Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world
John 1, Isaiah 53
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
[Modernised Version]
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
[Modernised Version]
Let everything that has breath
Let the people praise you, O God
Michael Perry
Let us give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love
Michael Perry
Let us gladly with one mind
Michael Saward
Let us greet one another
Jamaican greeting song
Let us join the jostling throng
Emma Turl
Let us sing to the God of salvation
Richard Bewes
Let us sing to the Lord, our Creator
Irene Jarvis
Let us with a gladsome mind
Michael Saward
Light the candles round the world
Author unknown
Like a mighty river flowing
Michael Perry
Listen to my prayer, Lord
James Seddon
Listen to the message that the angels bring
David Iliff
Listen to the shouts of praise!
Mollie Knight
Listen to the words of Jesus
Emma Turl
Lo, he comes with clouds descending
[Modernised Version]
Longing for a hope-filled morning
Ally Barrett
Look on my heart, O Lord of light and dark
Kate Bluett, Keiko Ying
Lord everlasting yet child born in Bethlehem
David Mowbray
Lord God, we bring you thanks and praise
Irene Jarvis
Lord Jesus Christ, invited guest and Saviour
Michael Perry
Lord Jesus, for my sake you come
Michael Perry
Lord Jesus, think of me
[Modernised Version]
Lord Jesus, think on me
[Modernised Version]
Lord of love, you come to bless
Michael Perry
Lord of the cross of shame
Michael Saward
Lord, as we gather in your name
Geoff Lyon
Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart
[Modernised Version]
Lord, bless and keep these little ones
Paul Wigmore
Lord, bless and keep this little child
Paul Wigmore
Lord, come build your glorious Church
Steve James
Lord, for the years
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Lord, guide us as we navigate
Emma Turl
Lord, have mercy
Ghanaian Traditional
Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you
Christopher Idle
Lord, help me to know your presence
Geoff Twigg
Lord, help us to remember
Sue Gilmurray
Lord, speak softly to my soul
Angela Griffiths
Lord, teach us to pray
Geoff Twigg
Lord, we bring to you our nation
Rosamund Dakin
Lord, we stand in wonder
James Wood
Lord, you are the light of life to me
Brian Hoare
Lord, you chose your first disciples
Christopher Idle
Lord, you enjoyed a Sabbath rest
Emma Turl
Lord, you see our troubled nation
Derek Baldwin
Lord, you sometimes speak in wonders
Christopher Idle
Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour
[Modernised Version]
Lord, your church on earth is seeking
Michael Saward
Love came down at Christmas
[Modernised Version]
Love divine, all loves excelling
[Modernised Version]
Love's redeeming work is done
[Modernised Version]
Love, with dawning day
Adam Carlill
Low in the grave he lay
Robert Lowry
Lowly Jesus, King of glory
Christopher Porteous
Lullaby, little Jesus
Michael Perry
Text Only Items:
Laughter and song!
Let all the righteous to the Lord
Let all the world believe him
Let creation bless the Father
Let earth rejoice! Let all creation sing!
Let God arise! His enemies, be gone
Let God who called the worlds to be
Let me now depart in peace
Let me tell you how I need you
Let ring, instruments and voices
Let saints on earth together sing
[Modernised Version] Let the desert sing and the wasteland flower Let those with voices sing Let trumpets sound and people sing Let us celebrate the story of a nation
[Modernised Version] Let the desert sing and the wasteland flower Let those with voices sing Let trumpets sound and people sing Let us celebrate the story of a nation
Let us come into his presence
Let us love and sing and wonder
Let us magnify, magnify, God the almighty
Let us praise God together, let us praise
Let us praise the Lord our God, come before
Let us rejoice now
Let us rejoice! The servants of our Lord
Life-giving Christ, our hope and head
Life-giving Lord, here we offer him back to you,
Lift up your heads, eternal gates
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass
[Modernised Version] Lift up your heads, you gates of brass
[Modernised Version] Lift up your hearts and give thanks to the Lord Lift up your hearts to the Lord Lift your heart and raise your voice Lift your hearts today Light a candle for thanksgiving Light and salvation is the Lord for me Light beyond shadow, joy beyond tears Light of gladness, Lord of glory Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky
[Modernised Version] Light's glittering morning fills the sky
[Modernised Version] Like a river glorious
[Modernised Version] Listen to my prayer, O God Listen! Wisdom cries aloud Listen, my friends, to each word Listening child of God Lo, he comes with clouds descending Long ago to London's city Long before Abraham Long before the reign of kings Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious!
[Modernised Version] Look, you saints, the sight is glorious
[Modernised Version] Looking back but moving forward Looking unto Jesus Lord all-knowing, you have found me Lord Christ, the everlasting Son Lord Christ, the morning star! Lord God heavenly King Almighty God and Father Lord God who blessed our fathers here Lord Jesus Christ, draw near today Lord Jesus Christ, God's only Son Lord Jesus, let these eyes of mine Lord Jesus, when you came to earth Lord may we see your hands and side Lord most high, how can I Lord of all my footsteps Lord of creation, giver of gladness Lord of glory, in our darkness Lord of Good News, as once you came Lord of life's despairing moments Lord of our growing years Lord of our time, help us, we pray Lord of the changing year Lord of the church in every place Lord of the earth's resources Lord of the heights, we sing your glory Lord of the Twelve, you drew Lord, build a bridge with us Lord, have mercy: in your goodness Lord, hear my plea Lord, how we treasure Lord, I delight to recall your commandments Lord, I was blind; I could not see
[Modernised Version] Lord, in every generation Lord, now let your servant go his way in peace Lord, show us how to live Lord, teach us to rejoice in you Lord, teach your children how to build Lord, this thing I ask you Lord, thy word abideth
[Modernised Version] Lord, to you we lift our voices Lord, we pray, remember David Lord, who may dwell within your house Lord, who may venture where you dwell Lord, will you turn from your anger and hear me? Lord, you are love! Love set me free Lord, you can make our spirits shine
[Modernised Version] Lord, you have seen your church's needs Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride Lord, you left your throne and your kingly crown (Perry version) Lord, you need no house Lord, you've tested me and known me Lord, your word shall guide us
[Modernised Version] Love that gave all to recover the lost Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child
[Modernised Version] Lift up your heads, you gates of brass
[Modernised Version] Lift up your hearts and give thanks to the Lord Lift up your hearts to the Lord Lift your heart and raise your voice Lift your hearts today Light a candle for thanksgiving Light and salvation is the Lord for me Light beyond shadow, joy beyond tears Light of gladness, Lord of glory Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky
[Modernised Version] Light's glittering morning fills the sky
[Modernised Version] Like a river glorious
[Modernised Version] Listen to my prayer, O God Listen! Wisdom cries aloud Listen, my friends, to each word Listening child of God Lo, he comes with clouds descending Long ago to London's city Long before Abraham Long before the reign of kings Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious!
[Modernised Version] Look, you saints, the sight is glorious
[Modernised Version] Looking back but moving forward Looking unto Jesus Lord all-knowing, you have found me Lord Christ, the everlasting Son Lord Christ, the morning star! Lord God heavenly King Almighty God and Father Lord God who blessed our fathers here Lord Jesus Christ, draw near today Lord Jesus Christ, God's only Son Lord Jesus, let these eyes of mine Lord Jesus, when you came to earth Lord may we see your hands and side Lord most high, how can I Lord of all my footsteps Lord of creation, giver of gladness Lord of glory, in our darkness Lord of Good News, as once you came Lord of life's despairing moments Lord of our growing years Lord of our time, help us, we pray Lord of the changing year Lord of the church in every place Lord of the earth's resources Lord of the heights, we sing your glory Lord of the Twelve, you drew Lord, build a bridge with us Lord, have mercy: in your goodness Lord, hear my plea Lord, how we treasure Lord, I delight to recall your commandments Lord, I was blind; I could not see
[Modernised Version] Lord, in every generation Lord, now let your servant go his way in peace Lord, show us how to live Lord, teach us to rejoice in you Lord, teach your children how to build Lord, this thing I ask you Lord, thy word abideth
[Modernised Version] Lord, to you we lift our voices Lord, we pray, remember David Lord, who may dwell within your house Lord, who may venture where you dwell Lord, will you turn from your anger and hear me? Lord, you are love! Love set me free Lord, you can make our spirits shine
[Modernised Version] Lord, you have seen your church's needs Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride Lord, you left your throne and your kingly crown (Perry version) Lord, you need no house Lord, you've tested me and known me Lord, your word shall guide us
[Modernised Version] Love that gave all to recover the lost Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child
Mary came with meekness
Paul Wigmore
Mary had a baby, yes, Lord
West Indian Traditional
Mary of the incarnation
Christopher Idle
May Christ, the Lord of Cana's feast
David Mowbray
May God be gracious, may we see his face
Stephen Horsfall
May God’s house be undivided
Elise Massa
May the blessing of the Lord
Paul Wigmore
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
[Modernised Version]
May the peace of Christ
David Burden
May the peace of God the Father
Michael Perry
May this place be one of nurture
Ally Barrett
May we, O Holy Spirit, bear your fruit
Paul Wigmore
Merciful Lord, in your loving kindness, hear our prayer
Michael Perry
Mighty God, our only refuge
Emma Turl
Mogya ne mu
John Turl
My God, my King, I'll lift you high
Emma Turl
My hope is built on nothing less
[Modernised Version]
My Lord, you wore no royal crown
Christopher Idle
My refuge, Lord! To you I run
Emma Turl
My song is love unknown
[Modernised Version]
My soul glorifies the Lord
Sam Hargreaves
Text Only Items:
Majestic God
Make music to the Lord most high
Make us, O God, ashamed of sin
Many petals make one flower (One in Christ)
Mary and Joseph- praise with them
Mary sang a song, a song of love
Mary, ride on to David's town
Master, by your word of welcome
Master, we lift our eyes expecting
Master, what love is here!
May God be gracious to us that your way
May the Lord God hear you pray
May the Lord God hear your prayer
Mental Health
Mercy and peace from heaven's king
Moon and bright sun, wind and white cloud
More blessed than those who take
More than all the dazzling beauty
Morning of mornings, Jesus is risen
Music sounds the joy of human hearts
Must the sword devour for ever
My faithful shepherd is the Lord
My Father, for another night
[Modernised Version] My God, accept my heart this day
[Modernised Version] My God, as is thy table spread
[Modernised Version] My God, how wonderful thou art
[Modernised Version] My God, how wonderful you are
[Modernised Version] My God, I love you
[Modernised Version] My God, now is your table spread
[Modernised Version] My heart is ready, O my God My heart rejoices and my strength is kindled My Lord of light who made the worlds My Lord, my God, the Living One! My shepherd will supply my need My soul in stillness waits for God alone My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit sings My trust I place in God's good grace
[Modernised Version] My God, accept my heart this day
[Modernised Version] My God, as is thy table spread
[Modernised Version] My God, how wonderful thou art
[Modernised Version] My God, how wonderful you are
[Modernised Version] My God, I love you
[Modernised Version] My God, now is your table spread
[Modernised Version] My heart is ready, O my God My heart rejoices and my strength is kindled My Lord of light who made the worlds My Lord, my God, the Living One! My shepherd will supply my need My soul in stillness waits for God alone My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit sings My trust I place in God's good grace
Name of all majesty
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Never was cause for such delight
Emma Turl
New light has dawned, the Son of God is here
Paul Wigmore
No fear of God before the eyes
Christopher Idle
No frightened shepherds now
Paul Wigmore
No greater love has any friend
Sam Hargreaves
No small wonder
Paul Wigmore
No words, O Lord, can tell the wonder of your love
Paul Wigmore
None but Jesus! Son eternal
Emma Turl
Nothing, Sovereign Lord, can equal
Emma Turl
Now as a lamp to guide my footsteps
Emma Turl
Now in view of all God's mercies
Christopher Idle
Now is the time, the time of God's favour
Christopher Idle
Now we hear creation groaning
Martin Leckebusch
Now we sing a harvest song
Alex Mitchell
Text Only Items:
New! every morning it's new
No room for the saviour at Bethlehem's inn
No sorrow, no mourning, no crying
No stone left on another
Not all the blood of beasts
[Modernised Version] Not even Adam gave a name Not so very far Not the grandeur of the mountains Not what these hands have done
[Modernised Version] Now at last your servant can depart in peace Now evening comes to close the day Now let us learn of Christ Now lives the Lamb of God Now praise the protector of heaven Now through the grace of God we claim
[Modernised Version] Not even Adam gave a name Not so very far Not the grandeur of the mountains Not what these hands have done
[Modernised Version] Now at last your servant can depart in peace Now evening comes to close the day Now let us learn of Christ Now lives the Lamb of God Now praise the protector of heaven Now through the grace of God we claim
O Christ, I kneel before your cross
Keiko Ying
O Christ, the Son of God most high
Christopher Idle
O Christ, you shine out with the glory of God
Emma Turl
O clap your hands, all nations, cry
David G. Preston
O come all you children to Bethlehem town
Paul Wigmore
O come to him, receive him
Emma Turl
O come, Christians, wonder
Michael Perry, Elise Massa
O come, O come, Emmanuel
[Modernised Version]
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Neale)
J M Neale
O come, our world's Redeemer, come!
Michael Perry
O for a closer walk with God
[Modernised Version]
O God and Saviour of us all
Gordon Giles
O God beyond all praising
Michael Perry
O God of boundless hope
Brian Davis
O God of love who made the world
Brian Davis
O God of strength and everlasting kindness
Lucy Hannah
O God of the nations, we humbly recall
Brian Davis
O God on high
John Turl
O God, from whom all mercy springs
David G. Preston
O God, make haste to help me
David G. Preston
O God, our help in ages past
[Modernised Version]
O God, the Creator
James Wood
O God, why have you cast us off for ever
David G. Preston
O God, you are my God, I seek you
Paul Wigmore
O Holy Ghost, thy people bless
[Modernised Version]
O holy night!
Placide Cappeau, translated John S Dwight
O Holy Spirit, come to bless
[Modernised Version]
O Holy Spirit, giver of life
Michael Saward
O Lamb of God
Philippines Traditional
O leave your sheep
Bill Stead
O little town of Bethlehem
P Brooks
O living bread from Heaven
[Modernised Version]
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
[Modernised Version]
O Lord our God we exalt
John Turl, Emma Turl
O Lord our God, we will praise you
Michael Perry
O Lord, have mercy upon us
Phillipine Traditional
O Lord, our Lord, how glorious is your name
Michael Perry
O Lord, the God who saves me
Michael Perry
O Lord, who by your lakeside word
Christopher Jones
O Lord, who came from realms above
[Modernised Version]
O Lord, you gave in love divine
[Modernised Version]
O Lord, your loving hands can hold
Ally Barrett
O my sister, O my brother
Elise Massa
O praise ye the Lord
[Modernised Version]
O sacred head once wounded
[Modernised Version]
O sacred head, surrounded
[Modernised Version]
O sacrifice of Calvary
Michael Saward
O sing the song of Easter day
Joel Payne
O sing, O sing the greatness of the Lord
Derek Boemler, Joel Payne
O Star of Bethlehem
John Curtis
O the deep, deep love of Jesus!
[Modernised Version]
O Thou who camest from above
[Modernised Version]
O worship the King all glorious above
Robert Grant / William Kethe
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
[Modernised Version]
Oda ni ofe fee
John Turl
Ode of Remembrance
Laurence Binyon
Oh, the deep, deep love of Jesus!
[Modernised Version]
Oh, what a wonder you are
Steve James
On a night when the world
Michael Perry
On Christmas night all Christians sing
English Traditional
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Perry version)
Michael Perry
On the great love of God I lean
Horatius Bonar
On the mountain
Nigerian Traditional
Once in royal David's city
C F Alexander
Once more the day its toll has taken
John Miller
One night over eastern lands
Emma Turl
Onyame wo mu
John Turl
Open my mind, Lord
James Wood
Osorosoro Nyankopon
John Turl
Our Christmas gifts we give
John Miller
Our home through every passing age
Emma Turl
Our refuge and our strength is God
Emma Turl
Text Only Items:
O babe divine, to you we sing
O bless the God of Israel who comes to set us free
O bless the God of Israel, sing his praises
O bless the Lord, my soul! I sing
O bless the Lord, the mighty God of Israel
O Christ of all the ages, come!
O Christ our God, before your cross
O Christ the great foundation
[Modernised Version] O Christ, at your first eucharist you prayed
[Modernised Version] O Christ, the master carpenter O come let us sing to the Lord, let us worship O for the wings to fly afar O God eternal, you are my God! O God of Bethel, by whose hand
[Modernised Version] O God of Jacob, by whose hand
[Modernised Version]
[Modernised Version] O Christ, at your first eucharist you prayed
[Modernised Version] O Christ, the master carpenter O come let us sing to the Lord, let us worship O for the wings to fly afar O God eternal, you are my God! O God of Bethel, by whose hand
[Modernised Version] O God of Jacob, by whose hand
[Modernised Version]
O God of justice, answer me
O God of love, our strength and guide
O God, defender of the poor
O God, do not keep silent
O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray!
O God, my refuge, keep me safe
O God, the heathen have attacked
O God, unseen yet ever near
[Modernised Version] O God, we give you thanks and praise O God, we thank you that your name O gracious God, we lift our voices high O gracious Lord, be near me! O happy band of pilgrims
[Modernised Version] O happy day that fixed my choice
[Modernised Version] O hear the song I sing today O Holy Spirit, breathe on me O holy, blessed Lord, the bringer of life O I have heard the gospel told O Jesu, king most wonderful
[Modernised Version] O Jesus my Lord, how sweetly you lie O Jesus, king most wonderful
[Modernised Version] O let the church rejoice O Lord God, you will search me out O Lord I love you, my strength O Lord my God who saves me O Lord my love, my strength, my tower
[Modernised Version] O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud O Lord my shepherd, lead me in your ways O Lord of earth and sea and sky O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling place O Lord our God, in every age O Lord our guardian and our guide
[Modernised Version] O Lord whose love designed this day O Lord! My God and king O Lord, at early morning hear O Lord, come quickly when I call O Lord, do not rebuke me O Lord, how many enemies O Lord, I bring myself to you O Lord, my God, you know all my ways O Lord, my rock, to you I cry when O Lord, our Lord, how far your name O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful O Lord, our Lord, your beauty fills the skies O Lord, the mansions where you dwell O Lord, you know my mind (In your name I rejoice) O Mary, rock your little boy O master Christ, draw near to take O my Lord, I will exalt you O people, listen - hear God's wisdom crying! O praise the Lord! My soul, proclaim O praise the Lord! Sing praises! O praise the Lord, the mighty God of Israel O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord, his wonders declare O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord; O sing, all O sing to the Lord, O sing a new song O Son of God we too would gather round you O Spirit, come, O Spirit, come, teach O the bitter shame and sorrow
[Modernised Version] O thou who at thy eucharist did pray
[Modernised Version] O thou who makest souls to shine
[Modernised Version] O Trinity, O Trinity, the uncreated One O when Jesus lay there in the manger O where shall peace be found Of loyal love and justice Off to David's town they go Oft in danger, oft in woe
[Modernised Version] Oh lead me in your will, Redeemer Oh what a day for singing On Jordan's river bank today Once to every generation Once, in a garden, long ago One beyond all, you love us to call you One holy apostolic church One in Christ One star One thing I know Only the fool will say Onward, Christian soldiers
[Modernised Version] Open the gates of righteousness Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed
[Modernised Version] Our chief inspiration, our primary purpose Our Father God, Creator, Lord Our Father God, we marvel now Our God has made his covenant new Our God, supreme and good Our great Redeemer, as he breathed
[Modernised Version] Our Teacher and Master, redeemer and Lord Out of the depths I cry to you: O Lord, hear my voice Out of the depths I cry, O God, remember Out of the world and into your presence Overflow with joy and gladness
[Modernised Version] O God, we give you thanks and praise O God, we thank you that your name O gracious God, we lift our voices high O gracious Lord, be near me! O happy band of pilgrims
[Modernised Version] O happy day that fixed my choice
[Modernised Version] O hear the song I sing today O Holy Spirit, breathe on me O holy, blessed Lord, the bringer of life O I have heard the gospel told O Jesu, king most wonderful
[Modernised Version] O Jesus my Lord, how sweetly you lie O Jesus, king most wonderful
[Modernised Version] O let the church rejoice O Lord God, you will search me out O Lord I love you, my strength O Lord my God who saves me O Lord my love, my strength, my tower
[Modernised Version] O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud O Lord my shepherd, lead me in your ways O Lord of earth and sea and sky O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling place O Lord our God, in every age O Lord our guardian and our guide
[Modernised Version] O Lord whose love designed this day O Lord! My God and king O Lord, at early morning hear O Lord, come quickly when I call O Lord, do not rebuke me O Lord, how many enemies O Lord, I bring myself to you O Lord, my God, you know all my ways O Lord, my rock, to you I cry when O Lord, our Lord, how far your name O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful O Lord, our Lord, your beauty fills the skies O Lord, the mansions where you dwell O Lord, you know my mind (In your name I rejoice) O Mary, rock your little boy O master Christ, draw near to take O my Lord, I will exalt you O people, listen - hear God's wisdom crying! O praise the Lord! My soul, proclaim O praise the Lord! Sing praises! O praise the Lord, the mighty God of Israel O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord, his wonders declare O sing a new song, O sing to the Lord; O sing, all O sing to the Lord, O sing a new song O Son of God we too would gather round you O Spirit, come, O Spirit, come, teach O the bitter shame and sorrow
[Modernised Version] O thou who at thy eucharist did pray
[Modernised Version] O thou who makest souls to shine
[Modernised Version] O Trinity, O Trinity, the uncreated One O when Jesus lay there in the manger O where shall peace be found Of loyal love and justice Off to David's town they go Oft in danger, oft in woe
[Modernised Version] Oh lead me in your will, Redeemer Oh what a day for singing On Jordan's river bank today Once to every generation Once, in a garden, long ago One beyond all, you love us to call you One holy apostolic church One in Christ One star One thing I know Only the fool will say Onward, Christian soldiers
[Modernised Version] Open the gates of righteousness Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed
[Modernised Version] Our chief inspiration, our primary purpose Our Father God, Creator, Lord Our Father God, we marvel now Our God has made his covenant new Our God, supreme and good Our great Redeemer, as he breathed
[Modernised Version] Our Teacher and Master, redeemer and Lord Out of the depths I cry to you: O Lord, hear my voice Out of the depths I cry, O God, remember Out of the world and into your presence Overflow with joy and gladness
Parents, don't exasperate your children
Christian Strover
Paul's advice to parents
Christian Strover
Peace be with you
Rwanda Traditional
Peace be with you all, we sing
Michael Saward
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
[Modernised Version]
People walking in the dark
Mark Cheesman, Chris Jeffrey
Play your pipe! Beat your drum!
Judy Davies
Powerful in making us wise to salvation
Christopher Idle
Praise awaits you, God of heaven
Emma Turl
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Michael Perry
Praise God for harvest time
Paul Wigmore
Praise God in his sanctuary
Michael Perry
Praise him, praise him, praise him, powers and dominations
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord for his creation
Jenny Wakely
Praise the Lord, all you nations
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my being
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, O my soul; praise the Lord
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, praise God in his sanctuary
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, the God of Israel
Michael Perry
Praise the Lord, you servants of the Lord
Michael Perry
Praise to the holiest in the height
J H Newman
Praise to the Lord, the almighty
[Modernised Version]
Praise to the Sovereign Lord
Emma Turl
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
H F Lyte
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire
[Modernised Version]
Prayer is the soul's supreme desire
[Modernised Version]
Psalm 146
Joel Stamoolis
Psalm 150
Text Only Items:
Partners in the Gospel
Patient in hope, I sought the Lord
Praise for coming of the King
Praise God for windows! Greet the day
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise God today: his glories never end
Praise God within his holy place
Praise God, the hour has come
Praise him! All nations, all peoples bless his name
Praise him, praise him, all ye little children
[Modernised Version] Praise him, praise him, everybody praise him
[Modernised Version] Praise our God with shouts of joy Praise our maker, praise our Saviour Praise the Father, God of justice Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the heights
[Modernised Version] Praise him, praise him, everybody praise him
[Modernised Version] Praise our God with shouts of joy Praise our maker, praise our Saviour Praise the Father, God of justice Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the heights
Praise the Lord in his holiness
Praise the Lord our God, praise the Lord
Praise the Lord with the people of Palgrave
Praise the Lord! His glories show
Praise the Lord! My soul is singing
Praise the Lord, all nations, praise
Praise the Lord, dark and light
Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!
Praise the Lord, let all within me
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord my soul!
Praise to God and peace on earth!
Praise to God the Father! God who saves his people
Praise to the Lord, for the Lord is good
Praise to the Lord, the one true God
Praise we offer, Lord of glory
Preachers of the God of grace
Protect me, God, I trust in you
Psalm 1
Psalm 100
Psalm 101
Psalm 103
Psalm 11
Psalm 117
Psalm 120
Psalm 121
Put your hand in your neighbour's hand
Receive the grace that brought you your salvation
Emma Turl
Redeemer and Lord of the earth
Christopher Idle
Rejoice with heart and voice!
Michael Perry
Rejoice, the Lord is king!
Charles Wesley
Release your Spirit
Roger Peach
Ride on, ride on in majesty
[Modernised Version]
Riding out across the desert
Peter Ratcliffe
Risen Lord, whose name we cherish
David Mowbray
Rock of ages, cleft for me
[Modernised Version]
Text Only Items:
Raise up your kingdom, O Lord
Rebuke me not in anger, Lord
Receive, O God, my anguished prayer
Redeemer Christ, you called the Twelve
Rejoice and be merry in songs and in mirth
Rejoice, O land, in God your Lord
[Modernised Version] Rejoice, O land, on God thy might
[Modernised Version] Rejoice, rejoice, you men of God Remember your creator now Renewing The Earth Rest in God, our God most mighty Restless souls, why do you scatter
[Modernised Version] Return to face your God! Revive thy work, O Lord
[Modernised Version] Revive your church, O Lord
[Modernised Version]
[Modernised Version] Rejoice, O land, on God thy might
[Modernised Version] Rejoice, rejoice, you men of God Remember your creator now Renewing The Earth Rest in God, our God most mighty Restless souls, why do you scatter
[Modernised Version] Return to face your God! Revive thy work, O Lord
[Modernised Version] Revive your church, O Lord
[Modernised Version]
Ring from your steeple, bells of gladness!
Ring out the bells - the joyful news is breaking
Ring out the bells and let the people know
Ring those bells! This year, every year
Ring, bells of Bethlehem
Roar the waves, the waters praising
Round me falls the night
[Modernised Version] Round the Lord in glory seated
[Modernised Version] Round the Lord in glory seated
Safe in the shadow of the Lord
Timothy Dudley-Smith
Saint Stephen was faithful
Paul Wigmore
Search our hearts, we pray, Lord
Christopher Idle
See him lying on a bed of straw
Michael Perry
See how a woman shows devotion
Martin Leckebusch
See the grace of God abounding
Paul Wigmore
See the rising sun appearing
Emma Turl
See, amid the winter snow
[Modernised Version]
Send us out in the power
Janet Lunt
Send us, O Lord, to live lives to your glory
Geoff Lyon
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, serve the Lord with gladness
Michael Perry
Show me how much you love me, Lord
Roger Mayor
Silent night! Holy night!
J Mohr, translated J F Young
Silent, I have waited, counting out my days
David Mowbray
Silver star
Michael Perry
Since our great high priest, Christ Jesus
Christopher Idle
Sing glory to God the Father
Michael Saward
Sing lullaby
F.W.Harvey (1888-1957)
Sing of the God who spoke
Martin Leckebusch
Sing praise to Christ the child
Martin Leckebusch
Sing praise to the Lord!
[Modernised Version]
Sing to God new songs of worship
Michael Baughen
Sing, God's Easter people, sing!
David Mowbray
Sleep, Lord Jesus! Mary smiling
Michael Perry
Small wonder the star
Paul Wigmore
So soon, days turn to dusk
Steve James
So this is the day when his God does not answer
Christopher Idle
Softly, a shepherd is singing
Paul Wigmore
Songs of gladness
Michael Perry
Spirit of God, you know my inmost being
Martin Leckebusch
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness
Christopher Idle
Stand up, stand up for Jesus!
[Modernised Version]
Stars and planets sing your glory
Trevor Thorn
Stars by night were shining
Emma Turl
Surely, he has borne our griefs
based on Isaiah 53:4-5
Text Only Items:
Safe in the hands of God who made me
Said Jesus to the crowd one day
Saul of Tarsus planned it
Saul, breathing fire, Damascus-bound
Save me, O God, hear my prayer
Saviour Christ, in mercy come!
Science And Christian Faith
Seated on a donkey, Jesus came to town
See Christ who on the river's shore
See the feast our God prepares
See your hands overflowing with flowers
Send forth the gospel! Let it run
[Modernised Version] Send me in peace upon my way Send out the gospel! Let it sound
[Modernised Version] Serve the Lord God only
[Modernised Version] Send me in peace upon my way Send out the gospel! Let it sound
[Modernised Version] Serve the Lord God only
Shelter me from the wind
Shelter safely in the shadow
Shepherd-boy, tell me, why are you singing
Shepherds, wake to news of joy
Shout aloud, girls and boys
Shout for joy to God, all the earth
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with the gladness
Shout for Joy! Rejoice
Shout for joy, joy, joy
Shout for joy, loud and long
Shout with joy to God, all nations
Show me your hands, your hands that woke the dead
Silent no longer, the trumpet is sounding
Silent the earth when God arose
Silently at Christmas Jesus came to town
Sing a hymn to God's great glory
Sing a new song of glory and salvation
Sing a new song, alleluia
Sing merrily to God
Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth
Sing to God, whose loving mercy
Sing to the great creator's praise
Sing to the Lord a new song
Sing to the Lord a song that's new
Sing to the Lord with a song of profound delight
Sing to the Lord, all the world
Sing we praise to God, the king
Sing when the rain is coming
Sing with joy, ring out your praises
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
[Modernised Version] Sing, sing, sing to the Lord Singing songs of expectation
[Modernised Version] Skills and abilities, knowledge and artistry So dies this man, this carpenter Soldiers marching Soldiers of the cross, arise
[Modernised Version] Son of man, Christ Jesus Songs of thankfulness and praise
[Modernised Version] Soon comes the time of the archangel Michael Souls of men why will you scatter
[Modernised Version] Sound loud the trumpet and strings Sovereign Lord, in all the earth Speak, Lord, in the stillness
[Modernised Version] Spirit divine, attend our prayers
[Modernised Version] Spirit divine, inspire our prayers
[Modernised Version] Spirit of God most high Spirit of God who dwells within Spirit of God, creation's power Stand up, O God, be present now Star of the morning
[Modernised Version] Step by step and year by year Still. still, still, the baby lies asleep Strong in Christ, our great salvation Strong Lord, let me love you alone Such a night in Bethlehem Suffering Christ, uplifted high Sunday was the day when Surely God loves upright men Surely God the Lord is good Sweet Mary, sing to Christ the King
[Modernised Version] Sing, sing, sing to the Lord Singing songs of expectation
[Modernised Version] Skills and abilities, knowledge and artistry So dies this man, this carpenter Soldiers marching Soldiers of the cross, arise
[Modernised Version] Son of man, Christ Jesus Songs of thankfulness and praise
[Modernised Version] Soon comes the time of the archangel Michael Souls of men why will you scatter
[Modernised Version] Sound loud the trumpet and strings Sovereign Lord, in all the earth Speak, Lord, in the stillness
[Modernised Version] Spirit divine, attend our prayers
[Modernised Version] Spirit divine, inspire our prayers
[Modernised Version] Spirit of God most high Spirit of God who dwells within Spirit of God, creation's power Stand up, O God, be present now Star of the morning
[Modernised Version] Step by step and year by year Still. still, still, the baby lies asleep Strong in Christ, our great salvation Strong Lord, let me love you alone Such a night in Bethlehem Suffering Christ, uplifted high Sunday was the day when Surely God loves upright men Surely God the Lord is good Sweet Mary, sing to Christ the King
Table of love - this costly spread
Emma Turl
Take my life and let it be
[Modernised Version]
Take our lives, and let them be (wedding version)
Michael Perry
Te Deum
Emma Turl
Tears and celebration
Andy Flannagan, Sam Hargreaves
Tell all the world of Jesus
James Seddon
Tell all the world: the Lord is King
Martin Leckebusch
Thanksgiving For Music In A Parish Church
David Mowbray
The bells of waiting Advent ring
Paul Wigmore
The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord
[Modernised Version]
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
[Modernised Version]
The day you gave us, Lord, is ended
[Modernised Version]
The daylight is fading
Paul Wigmore
The earth is yours, O God
Michael Saward
The feet of God have touched this earth
Christopher Idle
The first nowell
[Modernised Version]
The first nowell the angel did say
English Traditional
The God of Abraham praise
[Modernised Version]
The hands of Christ, the caring hands
Michael Perry
The holly and the ivy
[Modernised Version]
The king of love my shepherd is
[Modernised Version]
The life within the standing corn
Stephen Horsfall
The Lord is King
Emma Turl
The Lord is king! He set the stars in space
Brian Hoare
The Lord is king! Lift up your voice
[Modernised Version]
The Lord is king, lift up thy voice
[Modernised Version]
The Lord my shepherd rules my life
Christopher Idle
The Lord restored us, we were freed
David G. Preston
The Lord whose glory fills the earth
Martin Leckebusch
The people who in darkness walked
[Modernised Version]
The race that long in darkness pined
[Modernised Version]
The Spirit came as promised
James Seddon
The stone was rolled away
Stephen Burtonwood
The story has broken
Michael Perry
The virgin Mary had a baby boy
Trinidadian Traditional
The wise may bring their learning
[Modernised Version]
The works of the Lord are created in wisdom
Christopher Idle
Then I saw a new heaven and earth
Christopher Idle
There is a green hill
C Alexander
There was singing, O Christ, on the night you were born
Emma Turl
There's a man riding in on a donkey
Paul Wigmore
There's a Saviour to see on Christmas morn
African-American Traditional
There's no greater name than Jesus
Michael Baughen
There's water, water of life
Christian Strover
These are the facts as we have received them
Michael Saward
They shall grow not old
Laurence Binyon
Thine for ever, God of love
[Modernised Version]
This earth belongs to God
Christopher Idle
This is our harvest, season of fruitfulness
Paul Wigmore
This joyful Eastertide, away with sin
[Modernised Version]
Thou who was rich beyond all splendour
[Modernised Version]
Through all the changing scenes of life
[Modernised Version]
Through all the world let Christ be known
Christopher Idle
Through relentless doubt and turmoil
Emma Turl
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
[Modernised Version]
Throw them away!
Christian Strover
To Bethlehem the strangers came
Paul Wigmore
To Christ who once this supper made
Christopher Idle
To God's loving kindness
Michael Perry
To the Lord I looked in patience
Paul Wigmore
To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise
Michael Perry
Today we bring our thankful hearts
Ally Barrett
Today, as on all landmark days
Christopher Idle
traditional version
English Traditional
Treat me with compassion
Emma Turl
True love exceeds in greatness
Brian Black
Two companions journeyed homeward
Emma Turl
Two or more are gathered
Sam Hargreaves
Text Only Items:
Take God's good news to saddened hearts
Take heart and praise our God
Take my life and fill me, O Lord
Teach me, Lord Jesus, all I need to know
Ten thousand times ten thousand
[Modernised Version] Thank you, O Lord of earth and heaven Thanks be for Doctor Luke Thanks be to God for his most holy Son The ancient hills have known his word The angel Gabriel from heaven came
[Modernised Version] The brightness of God's glory The Christ of whom the gospels tell The countless stars of heaven The cross of Christ - love's sacrifice The dance of the stars in burning glory
[Modernised Version] Thank you, O Lord of earth and heaven Thanks be for Doctor Luke Thanks be to God for his most holy Son The ancient hills have known his word The angel Gabriel from heaven came
[Modernised Version] The brightness of God's glory The Christ of whom the gospels tell The countless stars of heaven The cross of Christ - love's sacrifice The dance of the stars in burning glory
The early Christians' claim bewildered Saul
The fields are white unto harvest time
The gifts we bring express our love
The glorious God of heaven
The God of heaven thunders, whose voice
The God of heaven thunders; his voice
The God who spoke at Haran
The heavens declare God's glory
The kingdom of the living God has come
The land is dry; the prophet's word
The leaves on the tree in the forest
The light of the Lord is like sun on the sea
The Lord God appointed
The Lord has said that he will be our God
The Lord is here, his spirit is with us
The Lord is here, the darkness gone
The Lord is king! Let earth be glad
The Lord is King! With joyful sound
The Lord is king: his majesty
The Lord is king: tremble, O earth, and fear him
The Lord is like a shepherd to my soul
The Lord is my light and salvation
The Lord is my light and salvation in life
The Lord is my shepherd, so nothing I lack
The Lord is near you right by your side
The Lord of life is here today
The Lord said to my Lord
The Lord who made the mountains
The lords of earth are in the hands
The majesty of mountains
The morning comes: new heavens, new earth
The one who owns his inmost need
The peace of the Lord be always with you
The plan of God is sure
The saints in Christ are one in every place
The seas of death, their torrents overwhelm me
The shepherd guards his sheep
The Son of God rides out to war
The Son of Man has been revealed
The Spirit led by day
The splendour of God appears
The star of heaven foretells
The strife is past, the battle done
[Modernised Version] The sun went down on Jacob's grief The victory of our God is won The vision of the living God The voice of God calls out today The whole earth is the Lord's The wonder of salvation The Word was very God Thee will I love, my strength, my tower
[Modernised Version] Then we'll see the Lord come in his glory There is a fountain filled with blood
[Modernised Version] There is a fountain opened wide
[Modernised Version] There is a land of pure delight
[Modernised Version] There is full salvation through that precious name There is no-one in the world like Jesus There's a bright sky over Bethlehem There's a home for little children
[Modernised Version] There's a song for all the children
[Modernised Version] There's a wideness in God's mercy
[Modernised Version] They are happy whose way is pure They killed him as a common thief They who stand in awe of God This do, the master said, this sacrament repeat This is Saint Mark who followed Christ This is the Christ, in whom we are forgiven This is the truth which we proclaim This world has great rewards to give Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable Thou art coming, O my Saviour
[Modernised Version] Though Christ put on our frail humanity Though the fig tree does not bud Though the leaves on the trees in the forest Though we come before you tainted by our sin Through all our days we'll sing the praise Through the darkness of the ages Through the quiet of the night Through you, through you, you make all things new To Cana's wedding feast To everyone whom God has made To God our strength come, sing aloud To God the Lord I cry aloud To God, my soul I now commit To him we come, Jesus Christ, our Lord To him who is able to keep us from falling To him who makes us one To know God's mind and do his will To lead a blameless life, O Lord To set their hearts on God To the Lord God of hosts To the name of God the Father To the name of our salvation
[Modernised Version] To this we have been called To those who rule our land To us a child of royal birth
[Modernised Version] To walk the way of Abraham To your praise, O God almighty Today, if you hear his voice Today, Lord, let my eyes and ears Towering over road and river Transgression rules the wicked person's heart Travellers all to Bethlehem True light, blazing in the darkest place True, merciful and brave the saint whose name Try us, O God, and search the ground
[Modernised Version] Turn to us, almighty God Twelve for the twelve apostles Two hundred years have passed Two thousand years of sorrow Two thousand years since Bethlehem
[Modernised Version] The sun went down on Jacob's grief The victory of our God is won The vision of the living God The voice of God calls out today The whole earth is the Lord's The wonder of salvation The Word was very God Thee will I love, my strength, my tower
[Modernised Version] Then we'll see the Lord come in his glory There is a fountain filled with blood
[Modernised Version] There is a fountain opened wide
[Modernised Version] There is a land of pure delight
[Modernised Version] There is full salvation through that precious name There is no-one in the world like Jesus There's a bright sky over Bethlehem There's a home for little children
[Modernised Version] There's a song for all the children
[Modernised Version] There's a wideness in God's mercy
[Modernised Version] They are happy whose way is pure They killed him as a common thief They who stand in awe of God This do, the master said, this sacrament repeat This is Saint Mark who followed Christ This is the Christ, in whom we are forgiven This is the truth which we proclaim This world has great rewards to give Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable Thou art coming, O my Saviour
[Modernised Version] Though Christ put on our frail humanity Though the fig tree does not bud Though the leaves on the trees in the forest Though we come before you tainted by our sin Through all our days we'll sing the praise Through the darkness of the ages Through the quiet of the night Through you, through you, you make all things new To Cana's wedding feast To everyone whom God has made To God our strength come, sing aloud To God the Lord I cry aloud To God, my soul I now commit To him we come, Jesus Christ, our Lord To him who is able to keep us from falling To him who makes us one To know God's mind and do his will To lead a blameless life, O Lord To set their hearts on God To the Lord God of hosts To the name of God the Father To the name of our salvation
[Modernised Version] To this we have been called To those who rule our land To us a child of royal birth
[Modernised Version] To walk the way of Abraham To your praise, O God almighty Today, if you hear his voice Today, Lord, let my eyes and ears Towering over road and river Transgression rules the wicked person's heart Travellers all to Bethlehem True light, blazing in the darkest place True, merciful and brave the saint whose name Try us, O God, and search the ground
[Modernised Version] Turn to us, almighty God Twelve for the twelve apostles Two hundred years have passed Two thousand years of sorrow Two thousand years since Bethlehem
Text Only Items:
Walk the hills and you will find him
David Mowbray
Watch these scenes unfold
Martin Leckebusch
Watt's Cradle Song
[Modernised Version]
We are called to welcome strangers
Sheena Evans
We are rocking on our camels along the desert way
Peter Ratcliffe
We believe in God almighty, maker
David Mowbray
We come to this your table, Lord
Paul Wigmore
We come to you, O Lord our God
Irene Jarvis
We come to you, the crucified
Emma Turl
We come with thanks and we come with praise
Tim Martin
We echo Mary's song of praise
Emma Turl
We gather here as when you were not with us
Donald Wetherick
We have not walked these paths before
Christopher Idle
We know that in all
John Turl
We look up, now, and gaze upon the hills
Paul Wigmore
We love one another
John Curtis
We plough the fields and scatter
[Modernised Version]
We praise the Holy One
Emma Turl
We pray for those adrift, afraid
Laurie Gauger
We remember those who dying
Donald Wetherick
We see tears and celebration
Andy Flannagan, Sam Hargreaves
We solemnly remember
Emma Turl
We take our silver from the mine
Christopher Idle
We thank you, God almighty
Michael Saward
We thank you, God, for feeding us
Michael Perry
We walk this path
Martin Leckebusch
We were not there in Bethlehem
Paul Wigmore
We will remember
Donald Wetherick
We wish you a merry Christmas
English Traditional
We worship God in harmony
Michael Baughen
Welcome to the wedding!
Christopher Idle
Welcome, Jesus child of Mary
Michael Perry
Welcome, welcome to this place
Thomas Bell
What child is this, who, laid to rest (Perry version)
Michael Perry
What if the one who shapes the stars
David Mowbray
What is our mission in this place
Christopher Idle
What wondrous love is this
American Traditional
When Christ was born
English Traditional
When Christ was born in Bethlehem
John Capon
When did he die
Paul Wigmore
When God from heaven to earth came down
Michael Perry
When I survey the wondrous cross
Isaac Watts
When I turn my eyes to see
Steve James
When Jesus knelt at Judas’ feet
Martin Leckebusch
When Jesus led his chosen three
Christopher Idle
When Jesus walked upon this earth
Michael Perry
When morning gilds the skies
[Modernised Version]
When opposition drags me down
Emma Turl
When our lives are empty, aching
Donald Wetherick
When the guns of war fell silent
Andrew Moll
When the king shall come again
Christopher Idle
When the LORD restored his people
Christopher Idle
When the stars in their flight fall from the heavens
Michael Perry
When the sun is darkened and the moon gives no light
Christopher Idle
When we face a hostile world
Emma Turl
When we were lost and far away
Donald Wetherick
When you prayed beneath the trees
Christopher Idle
Where are the words that can express
Emma Turl
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
Nahum Tate
Who is he in cattle stall
B R Hanby / Jubilate Hymns
Whose hand could shape such a world as this
Martin Leckebusch
Why are the nations conspiring to turn from your name?
Steve James
Why so downcast, O my soul?
Sam Hargreaves
Will we see Christ within the eyes
Fiona Lloyd
Wind of God, dynamic Spirit
Michael Saward
Wise men, they came to look for wisdom
Christopher Idle
With all my heart I seek the true and living way
David Mowbray
With solemn hearts we recollect
Martin Leckebusch
Within a makeshift manger-bed
Martin Leckebusch
Text Only Items:
Wake, O wake, and sleep no longer
Waterfall and ocean, canyon, cliff and shore
We are a land divided
We are a world divided
We are here before our Father
We are one body in the Lord
We are walking, walking together
We celebrate our birthdays
We give God thanks for those who knew
We give you praise, O God
We give you thanks, O God
We hail the approaching God
We have come as the family of God
We have done wrong and only God can save us
We have heard, O Lord our God
We have not seen thy footsteps tread
[Modernised Version] We heard Christ's word, and looking back We honour you, O God We lift our hearts up to the Lord We love the place, O God
[Modernised Version] We meet together in the name We praise you, O Father We rest on thee, our shield and our defender
[Modernised Version] We share a new day's dawn with Christ We tread in their footsteps where prophets have trod We trust in you, our shield and our defender
[Modernised Version] We were not there to see you come
[Modernised Version] We will run and not be weary We will tell each generation We worship Christ Welcome to another day! Welcome to Christ's family Welcome your king, Alleluia! Welcome, child of Mary, coming from above Welcome, happy morning
[Modernised Version] Welcome, welcome every guest Welcome, welcome, saviour come to Bethlehem Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome What a shepherd, what a Saviour What Daniel has seen in visions by night What does the Lord our God require What he wants me, he can make me What if my brothers wrong me, Lord What joy to hear the pilgrims say What offering shall we give
[Modernised Version] What riches on this earth can buy one human breath? Whatever things are lovely When all your mercies, O my God my thankful
[Modernised Version] When at first the word was spoken When at the door, as darkness falls When came in flesh the incarnate Word When David found his rest When glory shone through the dark skies When God delivered Israel When God made all things well When holy men of old announced the will of God to man When I lift up my voice When I look towards the hills When I'm afraid When Israel broke their cruel chains When Israel fled from Egypt When Israel was young, you loved him When Jesus came to Bethlehem When Jesus came to earth When Jesus Christ was eight days old When lawless people thrive When life is painful, where we stand When Mary gathered summer's yield When Matthew heard the Master call his name When mines are dug for silver When my bitter foes surround When my sorrows cover me When Nehemiah heard about When prison walls extend their reach When rulers judge in righteousness When shepherds watched and angels sang When Solomon came to be king of all Israel When the angel came to Mary When the waters cover me When things began to happen When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured When tides of judgment rise at last When we are down you raise us up When we are in want When we walk with God, we are blessed Where high the heavenly temple stands
[Modernised Version] Where is the glory of our God Where is the one our God will choose? Where is the rock, and where is the river of life everlasting Where may that love be found Which way are you choosing, the narrow or broad? Who believes what we have heard Who can bind the raging sea Who can measure heaven and earth? Who honours courage here Who is the Lord? Who is the King? Who is this child that lies in humble splendour Who would have dreamed it? Why do all the nations rage Why do the heathen conspire? Why do the nations all defy Why have you abandoned me? Why in the dawning of another day Why, mighty hero, must you boast Wild creatures long to cool their tongues Wind and fire, the signs of power Wind, which at creation's start Wise men of old came seeking, searching With all my heart I praise the Lord With all my heart I praise you, Lord With all my heart I'll sing With all your hearts rejoice and sing With heart and hands washed clean With joyful heart, praise Christ the Lord With joyful shouts acclaim the Lord With Mary let my soul rejoice With one voice they joined their praise Without me, you can do nothing Wonderful your deeds, Lord Word of the Father everlasting
[Modernised Version] We heard Christ's word, and looking back We honour you, O God We lift our hearts up to the Lord We love the place, O God
[Modernised Version] We meet together in the name We praise you, O Father We rest on thee, our shield and our defender
[Modernised Version] We share a new day's dawn with Christ We tread in their footsteps where prophets have trod We trust in you, our shield and our defender
[Modernised Version] We were not there to see you come
[Modernised Version] We will run and not be weary We will tell each generation We worship Christ Welcome to another day! Welcome to Christ's family Welcome your king, Alleluia! Welcome, child of Mary, coming from above Welcome, happy morning
[Modernised Version] Welcome, welcome every guest Welcome, welcome, saviour come to Bethlehem Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome What a shepherd, what a Saviour What Daniel has seen in visions by night What does the Lord our God require What he wants me, he can make me What if my brothers wrong me, Lord What joy to hear the pilgrims say What offering shall we give
[Modernised Version] What riches on this earth can buy one human breath? Whatever things are lovely When all your mercies, O my God my thankful
[Modernised Version] When at first the word was spoken When at the door, as darkness falls When came in flesh the incarnate Word When David found his rest When glory shone through the dark skies When God delivered Israel When God made all things well When holy men of old announced the will of God to man When I lift up my voice When I look towards the hills When I'm afraid When Israel broke their cruel chains When Israel fled from Egypt When Israel was young, you loved him When Jesus came to Bethlehem When Jesus came to earth When Jesus Christ was eight days old When lawless people thrive When life is painful, where we stand When Mary gathered summer's yield When Matthew heard the Master call his name When mines are dug for silver When my bitter foes surround When my sorrows cover me When Nehemiah heard about When prison walls extend their reach When rulers judge in righteousness When shepherds watched and angels sang When Solomon came to be king of all Israel When the angel came to Mary When the waters cover me When things began to happen When this land knew God's gracious love outpoured When tides of judgment rise at last When we are down you raise us up When we are in want When we walk with God, we are blessed Where high the heavenly temple stands
[Modernised Version] Where is the glory of our God Where is the one our God will choose? Where is the rock, and where is the river of life everlasting Where may that love be found Which way are you choosing, the narrow or broad? Who believes what we have heard Who can bind the raging sea Who can measure heaven and earth? Who honours courage here Who is the Lord? Who is the King? Who is this child that lies in humble splendour Who would have dreamed it? Why do all the nations rage Why do the heathen conspire? Why do the nations all defy Why have you abandoned me? Why in the dawning of another day Why, mighty hero, must you boast Wild creatures long to cool their tongues Wind and fire, the signs of power Wind, which at creation's start Wise men of old came seeking, searching With all my heart I praise the Lord With all my heart I praise you, Lord With all my heart I'll sing With all your hearts rejoice and sing With heart and hands washed clean With joyful heart, praise Christ the Lord With joyful shouts acclaim the Lord With Mary let my soul rejoice With one voice they joined their praise Without me, you can do nothing Wonderful your deeds, Lord Word of the Father everlasting
Yehowa yeyi w'aye
John Turl, Emma Turl
You are the Lord of all
John Turl
You came to raise the last and least
Ally Barrett
You holy angels bright
[Modernised Version]
You Lord have searched me - you completely know me
Emma Turl
You made a universe
Ally Barrett
Your hands that gave the hungry bread
Gayle Dowling
Your kingdom come, O Father God
Geoff Lyon
Your words bring life - eternal life
Geoff Lyon
Yours for ever, God of love
[Modernised Version]
Text Only Items:
You are coming, O my Saviour
[Modernised Version] You are my refuge and I will praise your name You are my refuge, I will praise your name You are the fountain of holiness You are the God of our fathers You are the sun of righteousness You came to heal the broken hearted You can trust his promises You have changed my sadness You laid the foundations of earth You will keep him in perfect peace You will show me the path of life You worked a wonder in me You, O Lord, have searched and known me Your feet, O Lord, have walked this earth
[Modernised Version] You are my refuge and I will praise your name You are my refuge, I will praise your name You are the fountain of holiness You are the God of our fathers You are the sun of righteousness You came to heal the broken hearted You can trust his promises You have changed my sadness You laid the foundations of earth You will keep him in perfect peace You will show me the path of life You worked a wonder in me You, O Lord, have searched and known me Your feet, O Lord, have walked this earth
Your grace surrounds us all our days
Your greatness fills the skies
Your justice is perfect
Your kingdom come!
Your love, O Christ, is near to me
Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song
Your way, not mine, O Lord
[Modernised Version] Yours is the name we will honour without reservation Yours the greatness, Lord, the glory
[Modernised Version] Yours is the name we will honour without reservation Yours the greatness, Lord, the glory